[NFB-Lions] Thank you all for your suggestions today.

Judy Jones sonshines59 at gmail.com
Sun Jan 24 00:04:55 UTC 2021



To everyone who was on the call, thanks so much for your suggestions on how to reach blind people for Lions/NFB.


One of the things I would like to do is to start a blind peer support group here in Skagit County.  I am in touch with the lady that serves as rehab instructor.  She says she has no clients in the area right now, but is interested in help, as it works out.


I am forwarding her the monthly NFB Senior Division events calendar for anyone to join on calls.


Our state NFB affiliate is hoping to start a senior group, but still in the works of being “talked about.”  I just wrote to ask about it last week, and was told, We’ll let you know when we need help.


That is actually how the WCB got started several years ago in this area.  Colette and her husband were participating in a group at the senior center in Burlington, but decided to move locations so they could attract more younger people.  They didn’t know about the NFB back then, had heard about the ACB, so that’s how the chapter in Anecortes got started, about five-six years ago.


Colette and her husband are quite heavily involved in both Lions and ACB.  We have attended some of their local chapter members, and were told we are considered “honorary members.”  😊


Anyway, thanks very much for all the help today on the call.



🌄 (sunrise over mountains)

“embrace each day with His mercies and blessings.”



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