[NFB-Lions] Draft mission and purpose presented for today.

Judy Jones sonshines59 at gmail.com
Sat May 15 14:08:18 UTC 2021

Hi, All,


As yesterday was the deadline for turning in proposed changes, pasted into the body of this e-mail is a copy of the mission statement and purpose as it stands now.


Will see you all at today’s meeting.



🌄 (sunrise over mountains)

“embrace each day with His mercies and blessings.”



May 14, 2020


Mission statement: Build the National Federation of the Blind through community service.




*	To educate fellow Lions about the philosophy, projects, and programs of the National Federation Of the Blind with the goal of recruiting Lions into the organization.


*	To facilitate connections between Federation members who are already Lions, or who are interested in becoming Lions through invitation or sponsorship.


*	To offer support, perspective, and education to new blind Lions.


*	To encourage new blind Lions to take an active role in local clubs and districts.


*	to help those club and districts to select and carry out projects for the blind that are respectful and truly helpful to the blind.


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