[NFB-Lions] Accomplishments for the Missoula Lions club

rjaquiss rjaquiss at earthlink.net
Sat Nov 27 14:56:30 UTC 2021

Hello Lions:

     Since some of you won't make the meeting; I thought I would share what
the Missoula Montana club has done:
1. Purchased eye training materials for a therapy group. These are used when
children have amblyopia.
2. Purchased two Perkins braillers. The braillers are used, but are
3. Purchased a Perkins Smart brailler for a student. This is about $2,200.
4. Purchased a Plus Optix s12 eye screener. 
5. Provided about $5,000 to a group to help create sign language materials.

More later. Have a great holiday season.

Yours in Lionism,


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