[NFB-Muslims] Participating in hijab booth during convention NFB Muslims seminar

Tas A tasnim.shuli at gmail.com
Mon Jun 5 15:39:12 UTC 2023

Assalamu alaikum everyone, so, Yadira has been reaching out to Muslim women’s attire companies to see if any of them would like to send out materials, clothing, hijab‘s, their product to display. One has gotten back to her and are asking to see how many Muslim women will be there. Now I know Yadira put out a message on here before trying to get a headcount, and nobody replied. So, guys, we need to know who is going to take part in the hijab booth, who is interested, because we’re having brands that want to send out awesome gear to give to you. But we don’t know how many to ask for if you’re not going to let us know that you’re going to be there. They’re going to want footage of that of this, if they see that we give them little footage, they’re not gonna wanna do this again. We keep talking about making an impact, making a difference, letting people know that we’re here, here’s your opportunity. Speak up guys, Muslim sisters, let us know if you will be taking part in the hijab booth.

Thank you!

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