[Nfb-new-hampshire] Online Survey Recruitment
Amy McKenzie
armckenzie at fsu.edu
Sat Jul 4 16:42:06 UTC 2009
I have been asked to circulate the following:
Recruitment Message:
Drs. Amy McKenzie and Susan Smedema of Florida State University are
conducting an online survey social support and life satisfaction in persons
with visual impairment.
You are invited to participate in this survey if you are 18 years of age or
older, and have a diagnosed visual impairment.
Participation in the survey will take approximately 30 minutes. There are
no anticipated risks beyond those encountered in daily living to completing
the survey.
Please click on the following link if you wish to participate:
You may also email Dr. McKenzie at armckenzie at fsu.edu to have this link
emailed to you directly or to receive a hard copy of the survey in regular
print, large print, or braille.
Thank you very much!
Amy R. McKenzie, Ed.D.
Assistant Professor
Program in Visual Impairment
Susan M. Smedema, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Rehabilitation Counseling and Services
-----Original Message-----
From: David Andrews [mailto:dandrews at visi.com]
Sent: Saturday, June 27, 2009 2:03 PM
To: Amy McKenzie
Subject: Re: Online Survey Recruitment
It is ok with me. You can either write me some sort of announcement,
that I will circulate, or I can draw from what you sent me.
At 12:13 PM 6/27/2009, you wrote:
>Dear Mr. Andrews,
>My name is Amy McKenzie and I am an Assistant Professor in the
>Program in Visual Impairments at Florida State University. Along
>with my colleague, Susan Smedema, I am preparing to recruit for an
>online survey regarding the relationship between social supports and
>life satisfaction in adults with visual impairments. Dr. Smedema is
>an Assistant Professors in the Rehabilitation Counseling Program at
>FSU. We have received human subjects approval to conduct this study
>through the Florida State University Office of Research.
>We would like to post recruitment messages in some format to the NFB
>listservs and/or message boards due to its strong consumer
>membership. We believe that we can reach the broadest group of
>participants through your organization. Electronic recruitment
>methods are being used since this is an online study.
>I have attached the proposed recruitment letter and consent letter
>to this e-mail. Please let me know your thoughts!
>Amy R. McKenzie
>Amy R. McKenzie, Ed.D.
>Assistant Professor
>Program in Visual Impairment
>College of Education, Florida State University
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