[Nfb-new-hampshire] Fw: 2010 ADA Celebration

Ed Meskys edmeskys at roadrunner.com
Tue May 4 18:45:08 UTC 2010

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Geary, Karen
To: Thomas Manning ; freedomweaver at comcast.net ; 
bdunham at parentinformationcenter.org ; Bill Finn ; Carol Holmes ; 
casescove at comcast.net ; celeste340 at aol.com ; cjones at nhes.state.nh.us ; Clyde 
Terry ; edmeskys at roadrunner.com ; epkeith at nhvt.net ; 
froberge at eastersealsnh.org ; George Copadis ; gwoodland at sightcenter.com ; 
jbergevin at myfairpoint.net ; Jim Hinson ; John S Belmonte ; Karen Prive ; 
Karle McKinster ; Lynn Littlefield ; Mary Morin ; Michael Racette ; Mike 
Lassonde ; mpaciello at paciellogroup.com ; mprostkoff at aol.com ; Nick Toumpas ; 
pleather at ed.state.nh.us ; pveebee at aol.com ; steti at turlach.net ; Terri Voth ; 
Joseph Silveira
Sent: Tuesday, May 04, 2010 2:37 PM
Subject: 2010 ADA Celebration

Dear Commission Members:

Are you aware of the nationwide initiative to encourage recommitment to full 
implementation of the Americans with Disabilities Act? Public and private 
entities are signing on to the proclamation at the bottom of this message. 
The Governor's Commission on Disability was one of the first for New 

I am writing to ask you to share this opportunity with other groups or 
agencies with which you affiliate.

Participation is easy and costs nothing and is a good way to launch our New 
Hampshire ADA anniversary activities. The goal is to get 2,010 public and 
private entities from around the country to sign the proclamation. It can be 
submitted online and your group's name will show up on the list of states: 
http://www.2010anniversary.org/Proclamations.html. You can see the wide 
diversity of those who have already "signed on" at this link.

The SILC agreed at their recent meeting to participate. I will be sending 
this same message out to the architects I work with, state agencies, 
municipalities, universities, advocacy groups, companies and of course we'll 
ask the Governor to sign for the state. If we can get 40 submissions, New 
Hampshire will have contributed its share; although I think we can get many 
more participants. Here is the link to the proclamation online submission: 

Thank you!

The text of the proclamation:

Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act

A Proclamation of Recommitment to Full Implementation of the ADA

On July 26, 1990, President George H. Bush signed into law the Americans 
with Disabilities Act (ADA) to ensure the civil rights of people with 
disabilities. This legislation established a clear and comprehensive 
national mandate for the elimination of discrimination against individuals 
with disabilities.

The ADA has expanded opportunities for Americans with disabilities by 
reducing barriers and changing perceptions, increasing full participation in 
community life. However, the full promise of the ADA will only be reached if 
public entities remain committed in their efforts to fully implement the 

On the 20th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act, we (_name of 
public entity_) celebrate and recognize the progress that has been made by 
reaffirming the principals of equality and inclusion and recommitting our 
efforts to reach full ADA compliance.

NOW THEREFORE, the ______________ (County Board of Commissioners/City 
Council/Mayor/President) do hereby reaffirm our commitment to work toward 
full ADA compliance in _________________(name of public entity).

Wendy Beckwith, Accessibility Specialist

Architectural Barrier-Free Design Committee

Governor's Commission on Disability

57 Regional Drive

Concord, NH  03301

Tel: 603-271-4177

Toll-free: 1-800-852-3405, ext 4177

Fax: 603 271-2837

E-mail: wendy.beckwith at nh.gov

Web site: http://www.nh.gov/disability/

The information transmitted is the property of the New Hampshire Governor's 
Commission on Disability and is intended only for the person or entity to 
which it is addressed. It may contain confidential and/or privileged 
material.  Any review, retransmission, dissemination, or other use of, or 
taking of any action in reliance upon, this information by persons or 
entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited.  If you receive 
this in error, please contact the sender and delete the material from any 


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