[Nfb-new-hampshire] National Association of Blind Veterans Meeting at National Convention

by way of David Andrews <dandrews@visi.com> MisterAdvocate at aol.com
Fri May 28 01:47:50 UTC 2010

Attention All Blind Veterans and Interested Parties:
The National Association of Blind Veterans will hold it's annual 
meeting in Dallas, Texas at the Anatole Hilton Hotel  during the 
National Convention of the NFB on July 4th at 7PM or 1900 
hours.  This will be our time to reflect on last year , prepare for 
the coming year, discuss the national raffle going on, and what we 
will be doing for our annual  4th of July Celebration. Dues will be 
collected and new members signed up. I look forward to seeing all 
those interested veterans and the existing members there for a great 
meeting. The room has not been assigned as of yet, so watch your 
agenda that Mrs. Jernigan says will be out in June.
Best Regards,
Dwight Sayer
The National Association of blind Veterans

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