[Nfb-new-hampshire] Fw: [Nfb-announce] braille copies of the US Constitution and PresidentObama's Inauguration Program

Ed Meskys edmeskys at roadrunner.com
Thu Sep 16 11:41:07 UTC 2010

Subject: [Nfb-announce] braille copies of the US Constitution and 
PresidentObama's Inauguration Program


The tenBroek Library has a limited supply of the U.S. Constitution in
Braille.  This was produced for the Bicentennial of the Constitution, in
1987, so it is missing the 27th Amendment, ratified in 1992.  The full
text of that amendment is: "No law, varying the compensation for the
services of the Senators and Representatives, shall take effect, until
an election of Representatives shall have intervened."

We also have a limited supply of the 2009 Presidential Inauguration
program.  I believe that this is the first that was ever produced in

Please contact me if you would like a copy of either or both of these.


Ed Morman

T. Morman, MSLS, PhD

Director, Jacobus tenBroek Library


200 East Wells Street

   at Jernigan Place

Baltimore MD 21230

410.659.9314 x2225

410.685.2340 (fax)

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