[Nfb-new-hampshire] picnic/fishing outing?

Ed Meskys edmeskys at roadrunner.com
Thu Mar 24 00:11:14 UTC 2011

Guy Woodland has given me permission to circulate widely the below. :

The Hopkington Lions Club is exploring the possibility of having a picnic/fishing Durby for the blind in the spring or summer of 2012. We do not have any details as of yet, but are looking to gain feedback on the interest level. 

Please write me with your reaction, and I will forward it to the appropriate people. 

Personally, I would enjoy the picnic and outing as a chance to socialize. Personally I am not interested in the fishing, but I do know a number of blind people who DO enjoy fishing. 

Ed Meskys
edmeskys at roadrunner period com

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