[Nfb-new-hampshire] An Invitation
Ed Meskys
edmeskys at roadrunner.com
Thu Feb 16 01:56:15 UTC 2012
We invite all interested persons to join us at our monthly meeting at Good
Shepherd Lutheran Church, Parade Road, 10:30 AM, Saturday Feb 25. See below
for details. Also note the calendar of other upcoming events.
NH NEWSLETTER for February, 2012
We invite all persons interested in matters concerning blindness and low
vision to our meetings. We normally meet at 10:30 AM on the 3rd or fourth
Saturday of the month at the Good Shepherd Lutheran Church 2238 Parade Road
(Rt. 106), a little north of Elm St., Laconia. Our next meeting will be the
fourth Saturday of February, the 25th.
Last month we had to cancel our meeting because snow made driving dangerous.
This month we will have as speaker Marylou Serrecchia, from the N.H.
Telecommunication Distribution Program. She will demonstrate various phones
and other devices which can be of use to blind or low-vision persons. We
will again try to view CD players capable of playing MP3 and Daisy CDs. We
will also discuss sources of possible funding help, like the Association of
Blind Citizens and the Gregg Foundation. And we will have our delayed annual
election of officers. Of course, we will end with our pot-luck lunch. As
always, guests and first-time attendees are not expected to bring any food
or drink.
IMPORTANT CHANGE IN SCHEDULE. In February and March we will meet on the 4th
Saturday, instead of the 3rd.
We continue to need suggestions for possible future speakers or discussion
Do you know another blind or low vision person? Invite them to join us. We
are the blind working to help the blind by sharing information, techniques,
resources, and socialization. Help bring others to share with us. With their
permission give us their regular or e-mail addresses so we can send
announcements. We produce this newsletter in large print and by email.
Please request your preferred format. edmeskys at roadrunner.com, 253-6207.
If you need help with transportation to NFB meetings ONLY, please call Ed
Meskys several days before the meeting and we will see what we can do to
NOTE: I try to list all blind related events I become aware of. Please send
news of other events to add to the list.
Sat, Feb 25, LR chapter meeting, Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Parade Rd.,
Fri, March 2, Tech Users cancelled
Sat, March 24, LR chapter meeting
Fri-Sat Mar 30-31, NFB of NH annual state convention, Marriott Courtyard,
Tues, April 3, 1-3 PM, Sight Services for Independent Living meeting,
Laconia Senior Center. Program, see movie On Golden Pond with voice over
description of action
Fri, April 6, Blind Technology Users' Meeting, NH Association for the Blind,
Concord. For travel assistance call 1-800-464-3075.
Fri-Sun, April 13-15, Blind Bowlers, aka Lions Vision 2012, 673-2322
Sat May 12, 6 PM NHAB blindness movie & discussion, Palace Theater, Hanover
St., Manchester
Sat May 19, Lakes Region Chapter meeting
Sat, June 2, NHAB Blind Awareness Walk. Join NFB team. Call Deborah Moore
Sat, Jun 30-Thu Jul 5, NFB annual convention, Dallas TX.
Fri Aug 3, 10AM-4PM, NHAB 100 anniversary celebration outing, Pawtuckaway
Park, Raymond NH; free catered lunch, busses provided, reservation deadline
July 20.
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