[Nfb-new-hampshire] {Disarmed} Fw: News from The Governors Commission on Disability

Ed Meskys edmeskys at roadrunner.com
Thu May 3 18:37:27 UTC 2012

----- Original Message ----- 
From: The Governors Commission on Disability 
To: edmeskys at roadrunner.com 
Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2012 12:30 PM
Subject: News from The Governors Commission on Disability


                   The Governor's Commission 

                  on Disability
                  May 2012

                              In This Issue  
                              Social Role Valorization Training...  
                              Accessibility Services  
                              Quotes for the Month  
                              Free Eye Exams for Service Dogs  
                              Caregivers Conference  
                              Legislative Training Day A Success  
                              People Say I'm Crazy  
                              Governor's Accessibility Awards  
                              Register to Vote  
                              Computer Technology Assistance  
                              Managed Care Update  
                              Progress on Parking  
                              2012 Employment Leadership Award Nomination  
                              Tick Trouble  
                              Update on NH VR  
                              Quick Links
                              Our Web Site 

                              We also support and provide:

                              the NH Client Assistance Program

                              the Architectural Barriers and ADA programs

                              Information and Referral Services 

                              We partner with the Statewide Independent Living Council
                              Social Role Valorization Training 

                              May 21-23, 2012
                              Social Role Valorization 
                              Accessibility Assistance  

                              At the Governor's Commission on Disabilities, our accessibility specialist, Jillian Shedd, is tasked with reviewing all state leased and owned properties to ensure compliance with ADA laws and accessibility,as well as conducting reviews of other public accommodations ranging from schools to recreational areas like the ongoing Wolfeboro Trail Project. It is our goal at the GCD to ensure that existing buildings, upcoming additions and even brand new projects meet the accessibility requirements that pertain to them. This presents a great opportunity to local public accommodations by helping them ensure they are on the right track and meeting 

                              requirements. Another realm of her work is tracking compliance. Whether your town is planning for their annual report or a five year plan we would love to have you reach out for assistance and education from the Governor's Commission on Disability.

                              Jillian Shedd

                              Accessibility Specialist

                              Governor's Commission on Disability

                              57 Regional Drive

                              Concord, NH  03301

                              Main:  603.271.2773

                               Quotes for the Month  

                              "If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, 

                              you are a leader."

                               ~John Quincy Adams~ 

                              "Don't find fault, find a remedy."

                               ~ Henry Ford~

                              "If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion."
                              ~The Dalai Lama~ 

                              "You can't test courage cautiously."

                               ~ Annie Dillard~

                              "Remember there's no such thing as a
                              small act of kindness. Every act

                              creates a ripple with no logical end."

                              ~Scott Adams~ 

                              The New Hampshire Association for the Blind is holding a 100th Anniversary screening of the Going Blind Going Forward Movie at the Palace Theatre in Manchester on Saturday May 12, 2012. 

                              FREE Admission

                              Reservations required

                              603-224-4039 X324 


                              Caregivers Conference 

                              SAVE THE DATE! 

                              For the 6th Annual Statewide

                              Caregiver Conference

                              Wednesday, November 7, 2012 

                              Legislative Training Day - April 2, 2012

                              The Governors Commission on Disability and the Brain Injury Association of New Hampshire held a successful Legislative Training Day at the State House.  Thirty individuals participated in the training that included guest speakers Bob Dunn, Senator Sylvia Larsen and Representative Cindy Rosenwald. Participants also  went on a tour of the State House.



                              Join The Mental Health

                              Center of Greater Manchester

                              for a film screening at the

                              Currier Museum of Art

                              People Say I'm Crazy
                              The only film about schizophrenia

                              made by someone with schizophrenia
                               Thursday May 31, 2012

                              At Currier Museum of Art

                              150 Ash Street, Manchester NH

                              Reception 6 pm 
                 Welcome to Edition #16 !         


                              The Governor's Accessibility Awards 
                              --- We are Now Accepting Nominations 
                              -- Categories:
                                a.. Non-profits
                                b.. Businesses
                                c.. State Employee
                                d.. Individuals
                                e.. Legislators
                              To make a nomination, tell us in one page what this person/organization did that was over and above the requirements of the law to support opportunities or enhance the life or lives of people with disabilities.  

                              The awards will be given on July 26th, the anniversary of the signing of the ADA and will be presented by Governor Lynch. 

                              Registering to Vote
                              The new voting section of our website now contains posters, checklists, and other resources for supporting our constituents to vote.

                              NH Votes 


                              Computer Technology Assistance Corp Offers - 

                                Subsidized computer systems* for people or families on state or federal assistance - priced from $65 (Laptops from $90)

                                Subsidized computer systems* Servers and network hardware for smaller non-profit organizations or schools - priced from $100. (Laptops from $120)

                                Modestly priced computer systems* for NH's working poor (individuals or families who are living just above the poverty line) - priced from $100. (Laptops from $140)

                                Computers are also available to anyone who wants to save a buck on a good computer system* and support our program - Priced from $125 to $250. (Laptops from $170)

                                All systems:  Windows 7 professional computer carrying a full 1 year hardware warranty, technical support and up to 1 hour free training.  

                                *A computer system included: CPU box (desktop or tower), Keyboard, Mouse, Monitor
                                Laptops range in price from $100 - $225  

                                Low income families can get their computer repaired on a sliding fee based on income.  

                                CTAC gladly accepts donated computers that will be refurbished and made available to low income individuals and families in the Granite State
                               For Additional Information please visit our website:  


                              Link to Jan. 2012 Concord Monitor story about CTAC


                             Managed Care Update

                              The vote to contract out New Hampshire's Medicaid program was delayed on April 18, 2012 and left on the table at the Executive Council Meeting.  During the meeting,  the state's executive councilors asked for assurances that providers of long-term care in Step 2 will have a say in how the new system is implemented. 

                              Commissioner Toumpas was asked to provide more information on step 2 including how input from individuals with disabilities and their families involvement will work, who will be invited to be on these stakeholder meetings and how their feedback will be used. As you may be aware, step 2 will impact all individuals who receive longer term supports and services through Medicaid Waivers such as Developmental Disabilities (DD), Acquired Brain Disorders(ABD) and Choices For Independence (CFI ).

                              The Executive Council can vote to move forward, reject the contract or to leave on the table and suggest changes to the Department of Health and Human Services. The next Executive Council meeting will be held on May 9, 2012 at 10:00 am at the State House.
                                Progress on parking

                              As many of you know, locating accessible parking near the State House or Legislative Office Building on the day of a hearing can be a challenge. I am pleased to tell you that Jillian Shedd, Accessibility Specialist, and I recently met with the Concord Police Department Parking Manager and a representative of the Capitol Security Force.

                              A positive discussion ensued. Naturally, they cannot manufacture accessible parking spaces out of thin air, but they were open and receptive as we discussed a variety of brainstorming ideas. Most positively, out of the discussion came the notion that if there is a hearing on a bill of particular interest to the "disability community," where we as the Governor's Commission on Disability have reasonable cause to believe that several people with mobility challenges might be present, we are welcome to alert the Concord Police Department parking folks in advance (48 hours at least would be desirable) and they would be happy to designate further accessible spaces and to advise us where to look for them.

                              Naturally, this does not solve all problems. While we may be able to combine forces and save some spaces, they are not specifically reserved for just our group; if they have the symbol of accessibility they will be open to all with placards. The exception may be that on specific days that we request spaces to provided, they will block off in a different fashion (i.e. the spots could be were marked as no parking zones via a cover on the meters). However, it is important to know that specially marked spaces would not be just open to our constituents, but would be obviously to open to anyone with a placard.

                              This is not a totally perfect solution, but it seems to be a good faith effort to try to work on and address this issue. Therefore, we invite anyone reading this to be in touch with us if you feel that a particular legislative hearing or event would be likely to have several people who have mobility challenges present.

                              Thanks a lot, John

                              2012 Employment Leadership Award Nomination

                              The Employment Leadership Award Committee invites you to nominate your best employer for the 2012 Employment Leadership Award.

                              The Employment Leadership Award is presented each year to New Hampshire employers who recognize the skills and contributions that people with disabilities bring to the workforce and who have adopted inclusive policies and hiring practices that allow people with disabilities to fairly compete for employment.


                              Nominees are submitted by employment providers throughout New Hampshire. The nominations are evaluated based on the company's efforts to: create opportunities that assist people with disabilities to develop the skills they need to obtain competitive employment; adopt inclusive hiring practices that allow people with disabilities to fairly compete for employment; and engage community partners to become a more diverse workplace.

                              Applications are due June 22 and will only be accepted by email at Jim.Hinson at doe.nh.gov.  Please send nomination in word format as an attached file.  Applications in PDF format will not be accepted.

                              Please contact Jim Hinson or David Ouellette, Employment Leadership Award Committee Co-Chairs, at Jim.Hinson at doe.nh.gov  - 603-419-9454 or David.Ouellette at ddc.nh.gov - 603-271-7040 with any questions.

                              Tick Trouble

                              Play It Safe Outdoors

                              Warm weather is almost here, which makes it a perfect time to get outside and enjoy the fresh air. Every year, it is important to remember to avoid tick bites. According to the City of Nashua, Division of Public 

                              Health and Community Services' Epidemiologist, Ashley Conley, MS, CPH, "In Hillsborough County alone, over half of the ticks tested have Lyme disease, with approximately 70 cases each year just in Nashua residents."

                              One way to protect your family from tick bites is by wearing long pants, socks and long sleeves if you plan to be in a wooded area and apply an insect repellant with at least 20% DEET. After you've been outside, it's important to check everyone, including pets, for any ticks. Don't forget to also check backpacks or gear and tumble your clothes in a hot dryer to kill any remaining ticks.

                              If you do find a tick, use fine-tipped tweezers to firmly grasp the tick's body and pull it out in a smooth, straight motion. Cleanse the area with rubbing alcohol, iodine or soap and water and keep an eye out for any symptoms of disease that may follow.  "It is important for patients and parents to be aware of the symptoms of tick-borne diseases, of which

                              Lyme disease is the most common," states Dr. Larry Lerner, Pediatrician at Merrimack Valley Pediatrics. "About 70% of Lyme disease patients will have a distinctive rash; however, call your

                              physician if you have the sudden onset of fever, chills, aches and fatigue within a month of a tick bite, even if a rash is not present. Letting us

                              know will enable effective treatment and reduce the likelihood of serious complications."

                              To learn more about tick prevention, please visit

                              www.cdc.gov/ticks or www.stjosephhospital.com

                              Special thanks to St. Joseph Hospital for sharing this article.



                                 Facts from 

                              New Hampshire 

                              Vocational Rehabilitation

                              Highlights From Fiscal Year 2011

                              October 1, 2010 - September 30, 2011

                              Return on Investment (for every dollar spent/tax revenue returned)              $1 for $9.10

                              Number of individuals placed in employment          1,085

                              Average hourly wage       $12.60

                              Average hours worked per week           28

                              Job Retention      72%

                              The following sentence is "good advice" from the folks who make this newsletter software. They say:

                              "End your newsletter with a kick -- consider a postscript to reinforce one of the key product or service benefits."

                              So here is the postscript from the Governor's Commission: 

                              GET  INVOLVED!


                              John Richards, Executive Director
                              The Governors Comission on Disability 
                              57 Regional Drive, 

                              Concord, NH 03301 



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      The Governors Comission for Disability | 57 Regional Drive | Concord | NH | 03301 


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