[NFB-New-Hampshire] **PLEASE READ**: Fwd: FW: Voting Accessibility in NH

Andrew Harmon andrewjharmon at gmail.com
Thu Jul 13 20:24:50 UTC 2023

Hello all
I received this from a member of the state coordinating council on
community transportation who received the request in her in-box. If
you are interested, please email ASAP to the original poster as the
deadline to participate in the focus group on voting in NH is Saturday
the 15th.

Have a great evening all and good luck!

Andrew Harmon

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sylvia von Aulock <svonaulock at snhpc.org>
Date: Thu, 13 Jul 2023 18:15:23 +0000
Subject: FW: Voting Accessibility in NH
To: Andrew Harmon <andrewjharmon at gmail.com>
Cc: Jesse Lore <jesse at greenwaveev.com>, Steve Workman <steve at transportnh.org>

Hi Andrew, I'm forwarding an inquiry I just received today and thought
you would be the perfect person to participate and help distribute.
The information is in its entirety just below and I'm cc'ing Jesse and
Steve in case they haven't seen this and may also have others to
distribute this to.

The New Hampshire Council on Developmental
Disabilities<https://www.nhcdd.nh.gov/> and a University of New
Hampshire student are conducting a study focused on voting
accessibility in the Granite State. As part of this study, the Council
would like to host a focus group discussion consisting of Granite
Staters of voting age (18 years old or older) living with a disability
in order to create a better understanding of the state of voting
accessibility across New Hampshire.

If you would like to participate and have your voice heard, please
email us before July 15, 2023, at:
Chase.G.Eagleson at ddc.nh.gov<mailto:Chase.G.Eagleson at ddc.nh.gov>

The focus group will take place on Wednesday, August 2 from 12  to
12:30 p.m. EST via Zoom.

Are you a NH resident of voting age living with a disability? We want
to hear from you | Manchester Ink
Thanks, Sylvia

Sylvia von Aulock
Executive Director
Southern NH Planning Commission - Celebrating Over Five Decades of
Planning Services

438 Dubuque St.
Manchester, NH 03102

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