[Nfb-or] School for the Blind Closure Update, and a Friendly Reminder

Tina Hansen th404 at comcast.net
Mon Jun 15 21:34:07 UTC 2009

If you haven't heard, House Bill 2834 did pass the Senate last week. It is now awaiting the Governor's signature. It doesn't look good, and we may take this to the courts. I'm waiting to hear more details, but that's all I know.

Just a friendly reminder: there are some people who are placing the contents of their entire e-mail message in the subject line. You probably don't realize you're doing this, but that makes it very difficult for anyone to read your message.

When I checked my messages this morning, I saw one of those messages where everything was placed in the subject field. Because of that, I could only see parts of it. The body area was blank. Therefore, I ask that if you're doing this, that you please go past the Subject field in your e-mail client to the edit field that is provided for you to write the body of your message.

This is not a problem if you're subscribing to or unsubscribing from lists, but for lists like this where people are posting messages for everyone to discuss, people need to know that they're getting the message and not a virus.

If this is because you're still new to e-mail, one of us can help you privately. Thanks.

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