[Nfb-science] KNFB Reader Mobile to be featured on this week's Tek Talk Training Monday February 16, 2009

Michael Hingson info at michaelhingson.com
Thu Feb 12 02:57:11 UTC 2009

  The Accessible News Wire

 > During this week's Tek Talk event, Jim Gashel, Vice President of Business
 > Development for knfb Reading Technology, Inc. and Michael Hingson,
 > Director
 > of National Sales for the National Federation of the Blind KNFB 
Reader Mobile program will
 > demonstrate
 > their superior Mobile Reader product line for the blind and learning
 > disabled - featuring the first cell phone that reads and translates.
 > The knfb Reader Mobile is a major advancement in print access for the
 > blind.
 > The software, delivered on a multifunction cell phone, allows the user to
 > snap pictures of any printed material and have it read aloud immediately.
 > The first of its kind, the pocket-sized device allows individuals to have
 > print analyzed and read aloud in real time and in real life situations.
 > The latest version is now able to read in a variety of languages including
 > French, German, Dutch, Belgian Dutch, Italian, and Castilian.
 > Additionally,
 > the software is able to translate between languages, displaying and
 > reading
 > aloud translated text.
 > Contact: Jim Gashel
 > Email: <mailto:jim at knfbreader.com>jim at knfbreader.com
 > Direct Line: 443-854-0854
 > Contact: Michael Hingson
 > Email:  <mailto:info at michaelhingson.com>info at michaelhingson.com
 > 888-965-9191
 > Date:  Monday, February 16, 2009.
 > Time:  5:00 p.m. Pacific, 6:00 p.m. Mountain, 7:00 p.m. Central, 8:00 p.m.
 > Eastern and elsewhere in the world Tuesday 1:00 GMT.
 > Where:  Tek Talk Conference Room at:
 > Or, alternatively,
 > <http://www.accessibleworld.org>http://www.accessibleworld.org 
names on the sign-in screen.
 > All Tek Talk training events are recorded so if you are unable to
 > participate live at the above times then you may download the presentation
 > or podcast from the Tek Talk archives on our website at
 > <http://www.accessibleworld.org>http://www.accessibleworld.org 
<http://www.accessibleworld.org/> .
 > All online interactive programs require no password, are free of charge,
 > and
 > open to anyone worldwide having an Internet connection, a computer,
 > speakers, and a sound card. Those with microphones can interact audibly
 > with
 > the presenters and others in the virtual audience.
 > If you are a first-time user of the Talking Communities online
 > conferencing
 > software, there is a small, safe software program that you need to
 > download
 > and then run. A link to the software is available on every entry screen to
 > the Accessible World online rooms.
 > Sign up information for all Accessible World News Wires and discussion
 > lists
 > are also available at our website: 
 > Media Contacts:
 > Robert Acosta, Chair, Planning Committee
 > 818-998-0044
 > Email: <mailto:boacosta at pacbell.net>boacosta at pacbell.net
 > <http://us.mc836.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=boacosta@pacbell.net>
 > Web: 
 > George Buys
 > CEO. Talking Communities
 > Email: 
<mailto:buys at talkingcommunities.com>buys at talkingcommunities.com 
<mailto:buys at talkingcommunities.com>
 > The Accessible World, a division of Vision Worldwide, Inc. a 501(c)(3)
 > not-for-profit organization, seeks to educate the general public, the
 > disabled community and the professionals who serve them by providing
 > highly relevant information about new products, services, and training
 > opportunities designed specifically to eliminate geographic and access
 > barriers that adversely affect them.

The Michael Hingson Group
      "Speaking with Vision"
                  Michael Hingson, President
                          (415) 827-4084
                    <mailto:info at michaelhingson.com>info at michaelhingson.com

for info on the new KNFB Reader Mobile, visit:

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