[Nfb-science] Jaws and Matlab
Amy Bower
abower at whoi.edu
Thu Dec 6 22:10:19 UTC 2012
All -
I sent an answer directly to Sean W. regarding this topic since I've worked
with Jaws and matlab for years (usually also with a screen magnifier). But I
would be interested to know if others have experience with matlab and screen
magnifiers/readers. My overall impression over the years has been that
Mathworks doesn't take their accessibility very seriously, even though
Matlab it is one of the most widely used data analysis packages used in
research and science education (at least from college-level and upward).
I've seen some of their information referring to accessibility with NVDA,
and I admit I haven't looked into this yet. It's hard to find the time to
look into a whole new screen reader. If anyone has used NVDA with Matlab,
I'd be interested to hear about it, or any other success or failure stories
about Matlab accessibility. If more people have had experiences like mine
(that is, no or slow response to any requests for improvements in
accessibility), maybe we can apply some pressure collectively.
Amy B.
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Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2012 1:00 PM
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Subject: Nfb-science Digest, Vol 77, Issue 1
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Today's Topics:
1. JAWS with MATLAB (Justin Salisbury)
Message: 1
Date: Thu, 6 Dec 2012 02:54:26 +0000
From: Justin Salisbury <PRESIDENT at alumni.ecu.edu>
To: "blindmath at nfbnet.org" <blindmath at nfbnet.org>,
"nfb-science at nfbnet.org" <nfb-science at nfbnet.org>
Subject: [Nfb-science] JAWS with MATLAB
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Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
From: nabs.president at gmail.com
Good evening,
I am wondering if anybody has experience using JAWS with MATLAB. I am trying
to assist a student who is struggling with access to the program, and,
therefore, the curriculum for an aeronautics major. Please write to me off
list at nabs.president at gmail.com<mailto:nabs.president at gmail.com> if you
have any experience or information that might be beneficial.
Sean Whalen
President, National Association of Blind Students
(608) 332-4147
Nabs.president at gmail.com<mailto:Nabs.president at gmail.com>
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