[Nfb-science] Nfb-science Digest, Vol 141, Issue 7

Ashley N crazy4chemistry at att.net
Mon Apr 23 12:37:40 UTC 2018

		Are all of these basically on the trail more or less? I’m not too familiar with that but if they are could you maybe use a different texture than clay like wiki sticks in a circle and then just count with a chart that has the appropriate words somehow whether scanned or Brailled?
Like circle 1 is the 1st camp etc?
I hope this might be helpful! Sorry I’m going by guessing!
Ashley Neybert 


On Mon, Apr 23, 2018 at 6:01 AM -0600, <nfb-science-request at nfbnet.org> wrote:

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Today's Topics:

   1. Highlighting Features of Mount Everest (Tina Hansen)


Message: 1
Date: Sun, 22 Apr 2018 08:54:00 -0700
From: "Tina Hansen" 
To: "'NFB Science and Engineering Division List'"
Cc: "'National Organization of Blind Educators Mailing List'"
Subject: [Nfb-science] Highlighting Features of Mount Everest
Message-ID: <000401d3da52$21db7400$65925c00$@comcast.net>
Content-Type: text/plain;	charset="us-ascii"

As you may know, I am working on a model of Mount Everest with a small team
for our state's BELL program.


We have two approaches we're looking at: using clay and doing it ourselves
and 3-d printing.


Whatever approach we take, we have a problem. How do we highlight some of
the features Eric and his team hit on the south route?


Our size is 15 by 15 by 20 inches, which is still big enough to show these
features, and also good enough for travel.


My team and I will make a decision tomorrow as to which path we should take.
Whatever we do, here's the list of features we hope to highlight.


Khumbu Ice Fall

Camps 1-4 on south route

Base camp

South Col


Yellow Band

Jeneva Spir

South summit


Hillary step

Lhotse face

Western Cwm

The Cornice Traverse


I'm concerned that we may have too many features, but these are the ones we
came up with. We have some experts working on descriptions, and we've found
a way to notate them. We know we can't use Braille on the model itself, so
we're probably going to use one of the voice labeling devices to record the


So if any of you have suggestions for highlighting these features, we could
use your advice. Is this list too long? Is it necessary to drop some of the
features? How can we do this if we go with 3-d printing versus doing it
ourselves? My team and I are stuck on this and could use your help. Thanks.


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End of Nfb-science Digest, Vol 141, Issue 7

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