[NFB-Science] Technical gaps that need to be filled for math classes.

Tina Hansen th404 at comcast.net
Thu Jan 31 02:15:51 UTC 2019


I feel your frustration. Because of this, I'd like to try and sum up what's happening here.

It seems like you're looking for help with the graphing calculator, and the stuff on You Tube leaves more gaps than it fills. Does anyone know where to get fuller training on this calculator?

Graphics and Technology: This seems to be a big issue. Does anyone know what's going on with the Grapheti display device from APH? I think, Kendra, that's what you're talking about.

Finally, it seems you're having a big issue with having to use a different textbook then the other students. Also, your Braille note taker can't handle the graphs, so you're forced to carry around this massive Braille book. Not only that, despite your best efforts, you're struggling. Matters seem to be further complicated by the delay in you getting your textbook on par with everyone else, so you need a live reader to fill in this gap. Yet you're still struggling despite your best efforts.

Given what's happening here, I wonder if it's time for some new technology to try and address these concerns. Is it time for some new math apps? I know there was an app dubbed Virtual Pencil some years back. I used it, and liked the concept. I don't know if it's still out there.

I wonder if it's time to look into multimedia presentation of tactile graphics. I'm interested in how to combine sound with touch. Has anyone looked into this? Is there a way to do this via an app on a smart phone or tablet? I understand there are some people working on these issues, and I want to hear more about this. How can I learn about it? Thanks.

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