[NFB-Science] This week on Eyes On Success: Advocacy from NFB

BlueSkies BlueSkies11 at torpey.info
Wed Oct 28 03:38:34 UTC 2020

This week’s episode of eyes On Success is:

 <http://www.EyesOnSuccess.net/eos_2044_podcast.mp3> 2044 Advocacy from NFB
(Oct. 28, 2020)
 <http://www.EyesOnSuccess.net/show_notes_2044.htm> Show Notes
The National Federation of the Blind (NFB) has long played a leading role in
advocating for the rights of people with visual impairments in the areas of
education, employment and civil rights. Hosts Nancy and Peter Torpey talk
with John Paré, Executive Director for Advocacy and Policy at the NFB about
some of this work and its impact on people who are blind.


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Enjoy and stay safe!


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