[NFB-Science] computer language learning

Gene Kim gene.sh.kim at gmail.com
Fri May 3 19:42:30 UTC 2024

> I would argue Python has an easier learning curve than C++, and if you're
> interested in developing chatbots, Python has a lot of very popular support
> tools (called libraries) that make implementing AI algorithms a bit easier
> than in C++.
> Have you considered learning javascript? It's another very popular
> programming language, and learning it will give you an edge if you're
> interested in developing websites, web apps, and even mobile apps. There
> are lots of great AI support/resources for javascript too.
> Free Code Camp <https://www.freecodecamp.org/> is a great resource for
> learning how to code. They have stand alone videos on YouTube that walk you
> through different projects/programming languages, and you can earn
> certifications by going through their main curriculum. Their website is
> very accessible with JAWS.
> Lastly, I echo Kevin in that once you learn one programming language,
> learning another one becomes much easier, so don't stress too much about
> picking the perfect language to start off with. Instead, I’d suggest
> focusing on getting all of your tools set up so that you have an accessible
> coding workflow because that looks different for everyone. VS Code
> <https://code.visualstudio.com/> is a popular screen reader accessible
> coding tool you might consider.
> Cheers,
> Gene

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