[NFB-Seniors-Discussion] I'm sorry to darken your day

PLipovsky plipovsky at cfl.rr.com
Sun Apr 25 16:04:49 UTC 2021

Dear Lauren, 


I am so deeply sorry to hear this.  My heart goes out to you.


Know that I will be praying for you.


Hugs and blessings.





From: NFB-Seniors-Discussion <nfb-seniors-discussion-bounces at nfbnet.org> On Behalf Of lauren merryfield via NFB-Seniors-Discussion
Sent: Saturday, April 24, 2021 6:41 PM
To: NFB Seniors Division Discussion List <nfb-seniors-discussion at nfbnet.org>
Cc: lauren merryfield <roseofthesoul at outlook.com>
Subject: [NFB-Seniors-Discussion] I'm sorry to darken your day



                Hi, brother and sister senior division discussion members,

How are all of you doing? I hope you are all doing well and having a happy spring. 


It is with a tired heart that I inform you that I went in for a biopsy of a huge lymph node. I have high-grade b-cell lymphoma. By the time of the “meow” scan, the lymphoma had spread in my body and bloodstream. 


I cannot opt for chemo or chemo with radiation due to my weak heart and stage 3 kidney disease. I would probably be wiped out. 


So, I am going into hospice care and will probably be around for several months. 


I know that is somewhat of a shock.


I’ve known many of you and have enjoyed getting to know others. I appreciated the help that has been given to each other. That is such a neat thing. 


So I’m not saying good-bye-yet; maybe some other terms. 



Love and


Lauren Merryfield❤


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