[nfb-talk] The Twenty-First Communications and Video Accessibility Act, H.R. 3101

Frye, Dan DFrye at nfb.org
Tue Aug 25 21:43:32 UTC 2009

List Colleagues:
The National Federation of the Blind (NFB) is aware of the Twenty-First
Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act, H.R. 3101, that
Representative Ed Markey introduced earlier this summer. The NFB
congratulates Representative Markey, his staff, and others involved in
the drafting of this bill for addressing some of the priority issues
that we have long identified as important to blind people. Specifically,
we are pleased to see that the legislation will require verbalization of
scrolled emergency and informational text appearing on television
screens, provision of assistive technology for the deaf-blind community,
and other consumer-friendly elements that may enhance quality-of-life
experiences for all concerned.
The NFB is conducting further evaluation of this legislation while we
seek clarification from the bill's author and supporters on the precise
meaning and implications of several key terms and provisions of the
legislation. When we have completed our assessment, the NFB will
indicate to our membership and those interested our formal position on
the Twenty-First Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act.
Thank you.
Daniel B. Frye, J.D.
Associate Editor
The Braille Monitor
National Federation of the Blind
Office of the President
1800 Johnson Street
Baltimore, Maryland 21230
Telephone: (410) 659-9314 Ext. 2208
Mobile: (410) 241-7006
Fax: (410) 685-5653
Email: DFrye at nfb.org
Web Address: www.nfb.org <http://www.nfb.org/> 
"Voice of the Nation's Blind"
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