[nfb-talk] Matilda Ziegler magazine transition

Gerardo Corripio gera1027 at gmail.com
Tue Dec 8 04:52:53 UTC 2009

Supposedly the new edition would come out today on the seventh. Any news on 
when it'll be out? I'm really looking forward to it; the new articles on 
blind people (at least in the November issue) were really inspiring! thus 
already looking forward to the new email edition.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Sherri" <flmom2006 at gmail.com>
To: "nfbf-l" <nfbf-l at nfbnet.org>; "NFB Talk Mailing List" 
<nfb-talk at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Monday, December 07, 2009 4:53 PM
Subject: [nfb-talk] Matilda Ziegler magazine transition

The following is the letter from the editor that appears in this month's 
Matilda Ziegler magazine. The magazine is no longer produced in Braille or 
cassette due to expense, but is going to be available in a wide range of 
formats. Hopefully, it will be on Newsline ®soon. The letter from the editor 
is below. He also talks about a free e-mail service which allows you access 
to your existing e-mail accounts by phone. I thought this would be of 
interest. I have been a Ziegler reader for years. It is a very enjoyable 


A Letter from the Editor

New York, Sept. 16,
Dear Readers: I began working at the Matilda Ziegler Magazine for the Blind 
in 1991, a few years before the rise of personal computers and the internet. 
During that time, I have had a front-row seat for technology's dramatic 
effects in two areas: publishing and blindness.

People with visual impairments especially have benefitted from technological 
progress--and the good news seems to be coming rapidly these days. Since I 
began posting blindness-related articles to our new website, 
MatildaZiegler.com, I have been reading daily of the many accomplishments of 
blind and visually impaired individuals, some of whom are featured in this 

It will be a preview of the Ziegler's new weekly email edition, which will 
contain all articles posted to the website as well as Readers' Forum letters 
and Special Notices. Of course, you can visit MatildaZiegler.com any time, 
or get up-to-the-minute postings via our RSS feeds, on Twitter 
(matildaziegler) and on Facebook (Matilda Ziegler).

I hope to make the Ziegler's weekly email edition available on the 
NFB-NEWSLINE by early December. This free and simple telephone service has 
expanded, and now callers can listen to more than 300 newspapers and 
magazines. Learn more about this wonderful technology at 866-504-7300.

I also want to inform you of another great free service, mailspeaking.com, 
which lets you use any phone to access up to four previously established 
email accounts, including Gmail, Yahoo, MSN and AOL. After establishing an 
email account online, you may then use any telephone to read and send 
messages independently through mailspeaking.com.

Although our October braille and cassette issues have not yet been mailed, 
the production schedule requires me to finish our November issue today, 
which is Sept. 16. Any Readers Forum letters or Special Notices not 
published in this issue will appear online and in our first weekly email 
edition, which will be available by Monday, Dec. 7.

Our transition to the internet "cloud" is occurring just after Thanksgiving, 
so this November issue is an appropriate time to thank the many people who 
played a role in the production of our braille and cassette formats. Thank 
you to the employees of our braille manufacturer, The Clovernook Center for 
the Blind and Visually Impaired, to the staff and narrators at Talking Book 
Productions, and to the folks at National Audio Company, our cassette 
duplicator. I am also very grateful for the help and support of my 
co-workers Susan Leung and Romeo Edmead.

It feels good to express these thank-yous publicly. Would you like to thank 
a sighted individual through the Ziegler for his or her contributions to 
people who are blind or visually impaired? If so, please nominate that 
person for our annual James H. Veale Humanitarian Award. Describe his or her 
virtues in a letter of nomination that includes contact information for you 
and your nominee. The deadline for nominations is Dec. 1. Please note our 
new email address: editor at matildaziegler.com.

During my 18 years at the Matilda Ziegler Magazine for the Blind, I have 
been thankful for many things. But I am most grateful for you readers. A 
magazine editor could not work for a more attentive or appreciative group of 

Since 1907, this publication has existed to serve its readers--but you also 
help us to exist by providing such interesting and unique content. I look 
forward to expanding our mutually beneficial arrangement as technology 
continues to improve publishing and the lives of people who are blind or 
visually impaired.

Thank you so much for your interest in the Ziegler, and Happy Holidays.
Yours truly,
Gregory Evanina, editor

Sherri Brun
flmom2006 at gmail.com
There is a Braille literacy crisis in America.
You can be part of the solution.

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