[nfb-talk] NFB Imagineering Our Future: October Is Meet the Blind Month
Mark Riccobono
JerniganInstitute at nfb.org
Thu Oct 1 02:03:37 UTC 2009
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Imagineering Our Future
Issue 16
September 30, 2009
In this issue:
* Message from the Executive Director
* What's New
* Education
* Braille Initiative
* Straight Talk About Vision Loss
* Technology Talk
* From the Jacobus tenBroek Library
* Independence Market
* Parent Outreach
* Spotlight on the Imagination Fund
* NFB Calendar
* Citation
Message from the Executive Director
How many blind people do you know? Do you
know a parent, an engineer, an artist, a
fisherman, an athlete, a great cook, a world
traveler, or a librarian who happens to be blind?
Most people do not know hundreds of blind
people. Many do not know one blind person. The
best way to know about blindnesshow it impacts
your life and how it does notis to get to know many blind people.
This is why the National Federation of the
Blind initiated
the Blind Month during October of each
year. During the next month, the thousands of
members of the NFB will be engaging in public
events to provide information about the
capabilities of the blind and to shatter
misconceptions. The greatest problem facing
blind people is the misunderstanding that people
have about what it is like to be blind.
My wife Melissa and I are both blind. We
frequently encounter people who have trouble
imagining how we manage our two-year-old son,
Austin. Sometimes people go as far as mentioning
how nice it must be that we have Austin to take
care of us. While on one hand our daily
encounters with misconceptions and low
expectations like this one are frustrating, it is
balanced against the great satisfaction that
comes from every opportunity we get to talk to
people about the techniques we use to fulfill the
responsibilities of parenthood. We are fortunate
to know dozens of blind parents and the various
techniques they use. It is hard to imagine our
facing a situation in parenthood that one of our
blind friends who has children has not already
faced. We are truly blessed to have the family of
the National Federation of the Blind and to have
met hundreds of other blind people who help
broaden our horizons and encourage us as we reach for our dreams.
Through our Jernigan Institute we are
creating greater understanding among the public
and broadening the horizons for the
blind. Please take an opportunity during Meet
the Blind Month to reach out and get to know some
more blind people or take a moment to teach your
friends and neighbors what you have learned about
blindness from your blind friends. The members of
the NFB will be out in your community so that
many more people might meet the blind.
Thank you for your continued support of our
efforts to change what it means to be blind.
Graphic: Signature of Mark Riccobono
Mark A. Riccobono, Executive Director, NFB Jernigan Institute
Featured NFB News
Meet the Blind Month, held during October, is our
nationwide campaign to increase awareness of and
support for the National Federation of the Blind
(NFB). This person-to-person awareness campaign
is designed to increase the understanding that
the NFB is the primary resource when it comes to
information about vision loss, blindness, and
rehabilitation. Visit the
the Blind Month page for more information.
Where the Blind Work
A blind sculptor at work
A blind sculptor at work
Blind people are working in a wide variety of
jobs that people mistakenly believe require
sight. Blind students are often tracked into
certain fields, whether they are interested in
them or not. Within the pages of
the Blind Work, a joint project of the Jernigan
Institute and the NFB Writers Division, you will
find written personal accounts of the various
types of employment that blind people are engaged
in, how they do it, how they entered the field,
and what positive influences were helpful in
achieving the goal of employment. This is a great
resource to assist youth to plan for future
employment and for adults who are looking to change jobs and/or careers.
We need your description to add to this
ever-growing resource of careers and how the
blind compete within them. Particularly requested
are descriptions of jobs found in the auto
industry (manufacturing positions, design, sales,
mechanic, auto body, parts, management, etc.).
Please answer these questions in your description:
1. Name, Industry in which you work, Job title, Address, Phone number, E-mail.
2. Explain to us what any worker would do on this
job (specialized blindness alternatives will appear below).
3. Tell us the cause of your blindness. Then, let
us know about the alternative methods and/or
techniques you use to perform your job.
4. Let us know of any required special training,
education, certificates, experience, etc., needed for this job.
5. Tell us about anyone or anything that aided you to be successful.
When completed please e-mail your answers to
<mailto:newmanrl at cox.net>Robert Leslie Newman,
president of the NFB Writers Division. For more
information, visit the
the Blind Work Web page or that of the
Braille Research Consortium
Earlier this year, the NFB Jernigan Institute
formed a collaboration of people interested in
Braille researchthe Braille Research Consortium
(BRC). This group began by looking at what
research we need and the data that already
exists. The BRC held its second meeting this
month at the Institute. The purpose of this
meeting was to plan for a research conference
dedicated entirely to topics related to
Braille. With the support of Dr. Kay Ferrell,
National Center on Severe and Sensory
Disabilities, University of Northern Colorado,
the group was able to come together at the
Institute to plan for what will certainly be a
historic conference. The conference, entitled
Research in the Rockies: An Interdisciplinary
Exploration of Braille Reading and Writing, is
being planned for early June 2010 in Denver,
Colorado. The purpose of the conference will be
to explore current emerging research from a wide
range of disciplines that pertains to Braille
reading and writing. Details about the call for
papers will be available later this fall.
NFB-NEWSLINE® Announcement
NFB-NEWSLINE® has recently added Science News
magazine to its roster of over three hundred
publications. Published since 1922, this
award-winning biweekly news magazine is written
for science professionals and others interested
in science, medicine, technology, and physics.
Content provides new development updates and
discusses their scientific and real-life
applications. Articles cover the environment,
nutrition, agronomy, chemistry, research,
development policy, mathematics, computers,
behavioral sciences, astronomy, biology,
materials science, biomedicine, life sciences,
physics, and technology. In print, the magazine
reaches nearly 130,000 subscribers and more than one million readers.
this message to a friend and spread the word
about the
service that lets blind subscribers access
information in newspapers and magazines at the
same time as their sighted colleagues, friends, and family members!
Braille Initiative
Braille Bicentennial Silver Dollar is a symbol of
hope for the future. The National Federation of
the Blind will use the proceeds from sales of
these limited-edition coins to advance
literacy in the United States. Every coin sold
reminds us that through our efforts another life
will be changed, another Braille book will be
made available, another teacher will receive
quality Braille instruction. Plus, the U.S. Mint
has announced that a Braille Education Set with
the Louis Braille Silver Dollar will be available on October 8.
Buying a coin is an easy way to make change with
a dollar and finally put an end to the Braille
literacy crisis. The coin is available from the
Mint only through December 11.
this newsletter with people you think would be
interested in coin collecting, literacy, and blindness, before it's too late!
For more information about Braille, the 2009
Louis Braille Bicentennial Silver Dollar, and the
NFB's other Braille literacy efforts, please
join the
campaign mailing list, and follow Braille
Literacy on
Straight Talk About Vision Loss
The NFB Jernigan Institute invites our
Talk About Vision Loss fans to review the new
27: Mary Jo Hartle, the NFB Jernigan Institute's
Director of Education, and Natalie Shaheen,
Education Program Specialist, talk to Mark
Riccobono about the Institute's Braille
initiatives, including the Braille Enrichment
through Literacy and Learning (BELL)
program. The BELL program, held in the summer of
2009, was a two-week program that exposed low
vision children ages 4-12 to Braille.
Product and Access Technology Talk
Video message from Gov. Martin O'Malley projected to conference
Gov. O'Malley video message to conference
The National Federation of the Blind and the
Maryland Technology Assistance Program, with
sponsorship from the Maryland Department of
Information Technology, hosted the first
Accessibility Training Day on September 22, 2009,
at the NFB Jernigan Institute. The sessions
highlighted strategies for achieving Web
accessibility in a government or nonprofit
setting and focused on all aspects of Web
accessibility and compliance with Maryland laws and regulations.
During the event luncheon, the NFB honored Apple
and GE for their outstanding leadership in
accessibility for the blind. Apple was
recognized for making its popular iPhone
accessible to blind users, and GE was recognized
for its continued commitment to ensure equal
access to their Web sites for blind consumers. GE
and Newegg.com were recently awarded with the
NFBs Gold Level
Web certification. The certification ensures
that Internet sites or applications are fully
accessible to and usable by blind people employing screen access software.
It's easy to keep current with Jernigan Institute
accessibility issues through the NFB's
Technology Tips and
Technology blog.
From the tenBroek Library
A Hammond Typewriter, of the type used as a
writing aid for the blind 125 years ago
Hammond Tyepwriter
Excitement about the Louis Braille Bicentennial
has spread from the National Center to all
corners of Baltimore, where other organizations
have joined with the NFB in commemorating this
great mans birth. Museum studies students at
the Johns Hopkins University have produced a fine
exhibit on Louis Braille and his code, using
objects borrowed from the museum collection of
the tenBroek library. The Baltimore Museum of
Industry has mounted the fully accessible
and will keep it open through next April. Anyone
who has the opportunity to visit Baltimore in the
next few months should not miss this wonderful exhibit.
Remember, we still have copies of the CD version
of Brailles 1829 first published explanation of
his alphabet of raised dots. Get yours before
the supply runs out. For your free copy, send us
an e-mail at <mailto:jtblibrary at nfb.org>jtblibrary at nfb.org.
Speaking of historical documents, were pleased
to announce that Anna Kresmer has joined us as
project archivist. Anna will be working with Lou
Ann Blake and other library staff on getting the
tenBroek papers and the NFB archives in shape for
historians and anyone interested in the founder
of the Federation and the history of the
organized blind movement. The archives project
is funded by a grant from the National Historic
Publications and Records Commission, a division of the U.S. National Archives.
Finally, were still fine tuning the online
public access catalog of the tenBroek
Library. Watch the NFB Web site for word of when
we unveil it. Meanwhile, use your imagination
the contest to pick a name for the catalog.
Independence Market
Braille Is Beautiful
Braille Is Beautiful full curriculum kit
Promoting Braille Literacy During Meet the Blind Month and Beyond
Many chapters of the National Federation of the
Blind are engaged in activities during the month
of October to alert the public to the critical
need for Braille literacy for blind children and
adults. The ability to read and write Braille is
one of the key skills that enables a blind person
to function independently and competently at
home, at school, and on the job. We need all our
friends to help us advocate for more Braille
literacy programs. You can use our
Curriculum to teach sighted children about the value of Braille.
This innovative diversity awareness program uses
the beauty of Braille to build a bridge of
understanding between sighted and blind
children. It teaches sighted students how to
read and write the Braille alphabet code. As
they discover how much fun it is to read and
write Braille bumps," they come to respect and
appreciate the way blind children learn, and
ultimately accept them as friends and equals in
the classroom. The program targets sighted
children in grades four through six, but it can
be adapted for younger or older youth. It can be
used in the classroom or with individual
students, youth clubs, or service organizations.
No previous experience with Braille or blindness
is required to successfully teach the
material. The program comes in various kits to
fit different budgets and instructional needs.
The kits can be ordered from the
Independence Market.
Parent Outreach
The National Federation of the Blind Jernigan
Institute, the National Association to Promote
the Use of Braille, and the National Organization
of Parents of Blind Children are pleased to
announce the 27th annual Braille Readers Are
Leaders contest. This contest encourages children
around the country to be proud of their ability
to read Braille and continually work to improve
their skills. Children in grades K-12 can win
T-shirts, cash prizes, and even an
all-expenses-paid trip to the 2010 NFB National
Convention! All for reading as many pages of
Braille as possible over a two-month period!
We know that the majority of gainfully employed
blind adults use Braille daily, demonstrating
that Braille readers are leaders! To promote the
use of Braille in recreational reading among
blind adults as a means to maintain and improve
their skills, we have added the Braille Readers
Are Leaders contest for adults. Braille-reading
individuals 18 years of age or older who are no
longer enrolled in compulsory educational
programming in the USA and Canada are eligible to
compete in the contest. Adults with various
levels of experience reading Braille are welcome
to join in the fun. Contestants will compete for
cash prizes, national recognition, and bragging rights.
To add to the fun, participants of all ages will
have the opportunity to form teams and compete
for a special award. Gather your friends, show
your team spirit, and read, read, read! For
detailed information please visit
Braille Readers Are Leaders Contest Facts
* This year we are asking that all
contestants register online at
* Registration begins October 1, 2009
* All who register by December 1 get a T-shirt
* Braille pages must be read between November
1, 2009, and January 4, 2010. All contest
materials must be received no later than Friday, January 22, 2010
* To request a paper registration form please
contact us at (410) 659-9314, extension 2510
(K-12 contest) or 2312 (adult contest), or
<mailto:BrailleReadersAreLeaders at nfb.org>BrailleReadersAreLeaders at nfb.org
Spotlight on the Imagination Fund
Little marchers show their spirit
Little independence marchers
Federationists have always been good at imagining
and creating a brighter future for the
blind. Over the past year we proved our talent,
creativity, and commitment to our work once again
with another successful campaign, raising almost
$400,000 for the Imagination Fund! This is a
remarkable achievement, particularly given the
difficult economic times we face. We are looking
forward to another successful year, full of excitement and challenge.
Half of the funds raised during the 2008-2009
campaign will soon go directly to affiliates,
supporting local and state outreach efforts to
benefit the blind throughout the country. Over
the past few weeks we've received dozens of
excellent grant proposals for the coming
year. Many of these programs will be brought to
fruition by 2008-2009 Imagination Fund proceeds.
It is thrilling to see what we have accomplished, as well as what lies ahead.
All of us on the Imagination Fund Steering
Committee, like most Federationists across the
country, are also spending time this fall
educating the public about the literacy crisis
among the blind. We are all finding imaginative
ways to sell the Louis Braille Bicentennial
Silver Dollar, to call attention to the crisis
and fund revolutionary programs to meet the
challenge. We recognize the importance of this
effort because we know the power of Braille
literacyit offers a future full of opportunity for the blind.
Fund provides support for the outreach efforts of
local Federation chapters and affiliates
throughout the United States as well as the
research, technology, and education programs and
initiatives of the NFB Jernigan Institute. The
Imagination Fund was established January 2004
with the Grand Opening of our NFB research and training institute.
NFB Calendar
Photo: Louis Braille Bicentennial Silver Dollar
2009 Year of Louis Braille's Bicentennial,
launch of the first United States coin containing
readable Braille, and kickoff of the
Braille Literacy Campaign. Contact the
Mint to purchase your own
Braille Bicentennial Silver Dollar.
the Blind Month.
October 2009 Presentation of
letters to President Obama.
October 1,
Readers Are Leaders Contest registration begins.
October 1-November 30,
Reading Pals Early Literacy Fall program dates.
October 8, 2009 Education Set including the
Louis Braille Silver Dollar available from the
November 1, 2009-January 4,
Readers Are Leaders Contest time period.
November 15, 2009 Deadline to
contest to name NFB Jacobus tenBroek Library's online public access catalog.
December 1, 2009-January 8,
Reading Pals prize entry forms accepted.
April 15-16, 2010 Jacobus tenBroek Disability
Law Symposium, National Federation of the Blind
Jernigan Institute. See information about
July 28-August 1 and August 4-8, 2010 2010 NFB
Junior Science Academy. Read a
on the 2008 NFB Junior Science Academy.
On March 26, 2009, the National Federation of the
Blind conducted an event at our headquarters in
Baltimore, Maryland, to announce the release of
the Louis Braille Commemorative Silver Dollar,
the first coin issued by the United States with full-sized, readable Braille.
Among the many dignitaries present for the Louis
Braille coin launch was Brandon Pickrel, a
seven-year-old totally blind student. He read a
statement in Braille about his hope for the
future. Some of the words in this statement were
pretty big for a seven-year-old, but he got
through it without great trouble. He loves
Braille. He has been learning it on paper but
also by the experience of a Braille display on a
notetaker at school. When his friends learned
that Brandon would not be able to take the
notetaker home with him for the summer, they
found a way to give him one. Brandon was so
excited about receiving it that he had trouble
sleeping. He didn't want to go to bed. He wanted
to read using his new notetaker.
Brandon does not know about the culture of
blindness; he knows about the excitement of
reading and the thrill of learning. He does not
think of himself as a blind person who is
incidentally a child growing up in the United
States. Instead, he thinks of himself as a kid
who looks forward to the excitement of life in
the way that all kids do. He will learn about the
complexity of intellectual debate and social
structure as he grows. For now let us help him read.
Dr. Marc Maurer,
Value of Decision, an address delivered at the
banquet of the NFB annual convention, July 2009
Back to Top
Thank you for reading the NFB Jernigan Institute's Imagineering Our Future.
Mentor Trevor Attenberg leads campers along the nature trail
Photo: Group on white water raft
Support the Jernigan Institute through the
Photo: Young woman playing flute
Interesting links:
of Straight Talk about Vision Loss videos
Center for Blind Youth in Science
Technology Tips
Photo: Youth practicing martial art
of the Nation's Blind
Photo: Senior couple
Publication archives:
of the Diabetic
Photo: Mom and son take a moment and a hug
Graphic Logo: National Federation of the Blind
Visit us at
Photo: Blind little girl with cane
Photo: Blind youth reading Braille book
Photo: Blind girl examining model of constellations
Photo: Blind boy with tactile globe
Blind Teens Carry the 2007 Youth March for Independence Banner
Imagine a Future Full of Opportunity
Jernigan Institute, National Federation of the
Blind, 1800 Johnson Street, Baltimore, MD 21230
(410) 659-9314 Fax (410)
659-5129 E-mail
<mailto:JerniganInstitute at nfb.org?subject=Reply%20to%20Imagineering%20Our%20Future>JerniganInstitute at nfb.org
Visit us at www.nfb.org
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The National Federation of the Blind meets the
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forth by the BBB Wise Giving Alliance and is
Top-Rated by the American Institute of Philanthropy.
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