[nfb-talk] [NFB-talk] [NFB-talk] New List for Blind Conservatives

Ray Foret Jr rforetjr at comcast.net
Wed Apr 21 15:01:04 UTC 2010

Mike, your points are well taken.  I want to say something here.  I did not mean, in any of my prior remarks, to cause personal offense to any; but, I have been made aware that some took offense.  I'm not going to name the person who wrote me privately and very vissiously and personally attacked me last night for what I said; but, it did cause me to wonder.  We say we're normal.  We say we're just like anybody else; but, honestly, are we really?  Do we really think we are?  I said that I had sometimes felt that the federation was leaning too far to the left; but, I NEVER, EVER, EVER, said that this was and or is a fact.  Part of this was derived from the way we have become as a society I guess.  Every single time a "progressive", (I'm trying to put this nicely see?) says something, it's taken as gospel and an example of freedom of speech;  yet, every time a concervative says something, it's controversial.  I thought we were better than that.  I see where Ryan's coming from.  I suppose that, if worse truly comes to worse, and the national board of directors throws me out of the federation for being a blind concervative who actually speaks his mind, I'd have to say that I don't know that it would matter to some here.  To me, maybe it  would matter a little more because of the fact that if it hadn't been for God and the NFB, I would not have the independance that I now have.  And yet, honestly, who am I to others here?  Most likely not much; since, after all, I haven't really done anything truly note worthy in the movement compared to some.  OF course, I could just take myself off of my own occorde and thereby provide some a good deal of relief, but I'm not going to do that.  I have the right to express my opinions about things just as the progressives do.  IF I don't, then perhaps I was never really one of you in the first place.  Is the question I raised last night so sacred that if anyone dares to ask it, they're branded a trayter to the federation?  After last night, I think that's a fair question to ask; and, a rather sad one also.

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!!!

Now a proud Mac user!!!!!

rforetjr at comcast dot net

On Apr 21, 2010, at 8:44 AM, Michael Hingson wrote:

> Hi,
> Ryan, I am pleased that this latest email from you is well thought out and
> does not contain provocative language Which was the only point of my earlier
> post.
> I would, however like to address something you said in this latest email.
> You stated, "...but the fact remains that an official from the McCain
> campaign declined an invitation to come speak at our meeting in 2008 because
> they felt that Obama was ahead on the issues of disabilities. That tells me
> that, whether intentional or not, the NFB failed to reach out to both sides
> of the political aisle".
> I do not believe someone from the McCain camp not coming to your meeting
> does not at all necessarily mean that attempts were not made to "reach out"
> to the republican side of the aisle.  In fact, prominent federationists have
> been quite visible in significant positions within the Republican party.
> Several years ago one NFB member delivered one of the presidential seconding
> speeches during a Republican convention.  Also, in past Republican
> administrations the blind have fared well and have been heard as illustrated
> by legislation which was passed and based on various appointments.
> This past Republican administration, on the other hand, has not seemed to
> listen, and that apparent lack of interest continued with the McCain
> election campaign.  I cannot state for certain that there was no interest on
> the part of Candidate McCain or his campaign staff, but I think there is
> more evidence of a lack of interest than there was a lack of attempts on the
> part of blind persons to reach out.
> No matter which point of view is true, the bottom line is that there have
> been way too many provocative comments which do no good and which have
> served only to further divide the country.  Fear tactics and innuendos are
> not what any of us need to promote healing and some form of unity.  We can
> work together no matter what our political bent.  This can only happen if we
> stop the one upsmanship and deal with the issues we all face.  In the case
> of the blind I think that political differences do not need to be the gate
> which determines our position.  Blindness goes across party lines.
> Having a discussion forum is a good idea.  We should always allow ourselves
> to listen, learn, evaluate and even sometimes modify our positions.
> Mike Hingson
> The Michael Hingson Group, INC.
>      “Speaking with Vision”
>                  Michael Hingson, President
>                          (415) 827-4084
>                    info at michaelhingson.com
>                    www.michaelhingson.com
> for info on the new KNFB Reader Mobile, visit:
> http://knfbreader.michaelhingson.com
> -----Original Message-----
> From: nfb-talk-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:nfb-talk-bounces at nfbnet.org] On
> Behalf Of RyanO
> Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 2010 5:36 PM
> To: qubit; NFB Talk Mailing List
> Subject: Re: [nfb-talk] [NFB-talk] New List for Blind Conservatives
> Hi all. First, I want to publicly thank Dave Andrews for going out on a limb
> and posting my message to this and other lists about my discussion forum. 
> Honestly, I didn't think he'd do it and based on a few of the public and 
> private messages I've received, I can see why.
> I acknowledge that the NFB is not a partisan organization and that issues 
> involving blindness should remain at our core. If those issues happen to 
> intersect with the political process in this country (and they often do), 
> then we should approach them in the same bipartisan manner as we do with 
> every other issue.
> The debate over various socio/political causes being incorporated into 
> divisions and committees in the federation has been discussed since the 
> '70's, and possibly before. Dr. Jernigan and other leaders have been very 
> wise to keep the focus solely on issues involving blindness as it affects us
> all in this country. I don't disagree, and that's why I want to reinforce 
> the point that my list is not an official NFB list. The creation of my list 
> was my idea alone and does not come at the behest of any leader of the NFB. 
> Dave simply allowed me to use these NFB lists as a vehicle to make others 
> aware of the existence of my forum.
> Judging by the response I've received, I did the right thing in creating my 
> list. A few people have written to me and said that such a list is not 
> necessary and that I should keep my eye on the ball of blindness, as it 
> were. Others have chided me for being a hypocrite for being a blind 
> conservative in the first place. Still others have taken shots at the 
> Republican party in general. This aside, the overwhelming response to my 
> announcement thus far has been positive. There has been a common theme 
> running through the messages of support and requests to join that I have 
> received. People are continuously telling me that they thought they were 
> alone and that they didn't realize there were other likeminded blind people 
> out there who believe as they do. If my forum serves as a network for 
> support and nothing else, its worth my time and effort.
> We can wish all day long for the blind from all political perspectives to 
> put aside their political differences and come together to work for the 
> common good. Personally, I don't believe this is any more realistic than 
> expecting the NFB and ACb to join forces. We have an inherent conflict of 
> visions in this country, whether we are Federation or Council, conservative 
> or liberal, Republican or Democrat. The Federation has been successful 
> because we've achieved a common focus, but the fact remains that an official
> from the McCain campaign declined an invitation to come speak at our meeting
> in 2008 because they felt that Obama was ahead on the issues of 
> disabilities. That tells me that, whether intentional or not, the NFB failed
> to reach out to both sides of the political aisle. We could blame our 
> leadership or we could blame the Republicans, but I choose to move forward 
> and see that such a thing does not happen again in the current election 
> cycle, in the 2012 election or in any political election of consequence in 
> the future. My list is certainly not a cure-all for the problem, but it may 
> be a beginning. If we blind conservatives want an equal voice in the 
> political arena, we have to work for it.
> Finally, let me reassert that anyone is welcome on my list, no matter what 
> their political orientation. The discussion will be civil and respectful, if
> not spirited. If you would like more information, please Email me privately 
> and I'll be glad to talk with you.
> Thank you for reading this.
> RyanO
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