[nfb-talk] Camp Eureka- a natural science camp for blind kids

Jim Reed jim275_2 at yahoo.com
Fri Jan 22 04:17:08 UTC 2010

The Montana Association for the Blind and NFB are sponsoring Camp 
Eureka, a natural science camp for blind kids (Please see the 
attachment for details). This year, the kids will be studying the 
migration of the Snow Goose as the birds take off and land by the 
tens of thousands at Freeze Out Lake, near Great Falls,Montana from 
March 19th-21st.

We have made some changes that are not reflected in the attached 
flier. We are allowing out-of-state kids to participate, we have 
expanded the age range to ages 8-16, and we have also set an 
application deadline of February 20th.

Transportation cost to and from Montana are the responsibility of the 
parent or the state affiliate. Arrival destinations in Montana will 
be arranged on a case-by-case basis. Once the kids are in Montana, we 
will cover all their cost (food, lodging, transportation).

Please write with any questions.


Jim Reed
President, Montana Association of Blind Students

"The dictionary is the only place that success comes before work." 
-Vince Lombardi

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