[nfb-talk] Assistive Technology Trainers Division Meeting Agenda

Michael D. Barber m.barber at mchsi.com
Thu Jul 1 00:31:48 UTC 2010

Assistive Technology
Trainers division
National Federation of the Blind
July 5, 2010
6:30--10:00 PM
Manchester Room, Tower Mezzanine
Hilton Anatole Hotel

6:30 PM; Registration:  Outside Manchester Room, $5 fee
7:00 PM; How You Can Use NFB-NEWSLINER:  Rene West, NFB-NEWSLINE National
Federation of the Blind
7:15 PM; What's New With Bookshare.org:  Allison Hillaker, Collection
Development Associate
7:25 PM; Never Fear, Windows 7 is hear!  Cathyanne Murtha, Access Technology
8:00 PM; Notetakers:  A Panel Discussion:  Richard Ring, Computer
Instructor, Iowa Department for the Blind Adult Orientation Center; Michael
Barber, Technology Analyst, Iowa Department for the Blind,
8:35 PM;  What's Up, Mac?  Earle Harrison, President, Handy Tech North
9:10 PM; Business Meeting, election of officers and board
10:00 PM:  Adjourn

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