[nfb-talk] nNational con attendance

Powers, Terry (NIH/OD/DEAS) [E] Terry.Powers at nih.gov
Thu Jul 15 13:53:08 UTC 2010

I also liked the layout of the exibit room.  It was very easy to understand.  Not everyone agrees with me, but I like the fact that the NFB store and all the books are in a separate room.  I have some trouble walking and if I know what I am interested in, this is helpful.  I do not have to walk the whole exibit hall, just to get to the NFB store.  I hope we continue this method in florida.

Terry Powers from MD

-----Original Message-----
From: Ed Meskys [mailto:edmeskys at roadrunner.com] 
Sent: Thursday, July 15, 2010 8:29 AM
To: nfb-talk
Subject: [nfb-talk] nNational con attendance

I noted that Dr. Maurer announced during the banquet that the final registration figure was 2442. This is a substantial drop from the last few years when the figure had hovered around 2700. I wonder whether it was the economic situation, people being tired of going to the same city too many times, or the lack of an afternoon for tours. I have been to 32 national cons and only once took a tour, so it did not affect me. 

I have liked the new schedule for the huckster room, 3 hours Wednesday evening compensating for the loss of Thursday and Friday lunch sessions. 

Speaking of the huckster room, I loved the physical layout this year. It was simple, not at all confusing. I was able to visit every table in record time, and easily get back to ones I wanted to revisit very easily. Last year in Detroit I found the huckster room so confusing that I never did get to all the tables I wanted to see. I realize that we are confined by the physical shape of the ballroom used, and sometimes it is impossible to set up an easy geometry. 

Also opening up the huckster room to sponsoring vendors one evening, as in the past few years, is an excellent innovation. 

Best, Ed Meskys
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