[nfb-talk] {Spam?} Verbal Map of Exhibit Hall

David Andrews dandrews at visi.com
Mon Jun 28 17:26:22 UTC 2010


National Federation of the Blind 2010 Annual Convention

Exhibit Hall “Verbal Map”

OVERVIEW:  The Khmer Pavilion Exhibit Hall in the 
Hilton Anatole of Dallas, Texas, is a rectangle, 
which has122 six-foot tables where you will find 
demonstrations, sales, and giveaways.  Exhibitors 
include NFB divisions and affiliates, technology 
companies, federal organizations, and 
others.  This year there are tables around an 
outside ring (placing the vendors’ backs to the 
walls), and there are two large rectangles in the 
center of the room.  These are called A-Square 
and B-Square.  The squares' short ends face east 
and west; their long sides are parallel to 
Khmer’s north and south walls, and A-Square is 
nearest to the entrance.  Go through a break in 
the line of tables on the south wall to find the 
bathrooms. A door to the ladies' room opens on 
the south wall to the left of the break; the 
men's room is the first door on the left inside a 
corridor ahead of that break in the line of tables.

ENTRANCE:  The hotel entrance to the pavilion is 
on the east wall.  A water station is on your 
left just inside this door.  Turn right and walk 
this ramped hallway that parallels the outside 
hallway and is decorated with Chinese horses on 
pedestals.  You will enter the rectangular Khmer 
Pavilion at its southeast corner.  The long sides 
are on the east and west walls.  A wide aisle 
runs straight ahead of you and continues around 
the four sides of the room with one center aisle 
running east and west between the two squares 
from midway on the long east side and west side 
walls.  From this entrance, the two exhibit hall 
information tables (numbers 1 and 2) are 
immediately on your right against the east 
wall.  The tables to your left on the south wall 
show and sell the knfbReader Mobile (64-66).

EAST WALL, tables 1-20:  At the information 
table, you can pick up a floor plan (print only) 
and exhibitor list with table numbers (in Braille 
or print).  Keep the entrance behind you and the 
east wall on your right to check out east 
wall.  Next you come to our title sponsor, Deque 
Systems (tables 3 and 4), then GW Micro (5-7), 
followed by the Diebold ATM (8).  Some other 
notable vendors along the east wall are Sendero 
Group (9-10), Independence Science (11), Vanda 
Pharmaceuticals (13), and NFB-NEWSLINE® (15-16).

NORTH WALL, tables 21 to 35 (the back of the 
room): Turn the corner from the east side to 
explore the first half of the north wall, tables 
21 to 28.  The NFB Krafter’s Division is at table 
23.  At the halfway break find a water station 
against the wall.  After the break, exhibit 
tables 29 to 35 include NFB’s Diabetic Division and Optelec.

WEST WALL, tables 36 to 53: The NFB of 
Mississippi (36) starts the line and the National 
Association of Blind Merchants (NABM) ends it at 
table 53.  In-between are tables for guide dogs, 
jewelry, cars, and other interesting things.

SOUTH WALL, tables 54 to 66:  NABM continues on 
table 54, UPS has a shipping counter at 57-58, 
RFB&D is 59, Oracle is 60, En-Vision America is 
61-62, and onward to the last tables (64-66) 
holding the knfbReader Mobile back at the entrance.

A-SQUARE, tables A67 to A94: If you want the 
table numbers in order for A and B Squares, walk 
counterclockwise around them.  To begin at A67, 
head to the east wall and put your back to the 
Diebold ATM.  Cross the aisle to the east side of 
A-Square.  Say hello to HumanWare which wraps 
this whole east end at tables A67 to A70 on the 
east side, two on the north side (A71-A72), plus 
two tables on the south side (A93-A94).  The 
north side of A has tables A71 to A80, the west 
side has A81 to A84, and the south side has A85 
to A94.  You’ll find Independent Living Aids 
(A88-A89) next to Olympus America (A90), which is 
next to National Industries for the Blind (A91).

B-SQUARE, tables B95 to B122:  This rectangle of 
tables is across the center aisle from the north 
side of A-Square.  You'll find Freedom Scientific 
covers B-Square’s east end (B67-B70) plus on the 
south side, tables B120 to B122.  B-Square’s 
north side is B99 to B108, west side is B109 to 
B112, and south side is B113 to B122.  NLS is at 
B112 and the FBI is recruiting employees at B104.

Happy looking and shopping!
Lorraine Rovig

                         David Andrews:  dandrews at visi.com
Follow me on Twitter:  http://www.twitter.com/dandrews920
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