[nfb-talk] Transportation, Hybrid Cars):

Kenneth Chrane kenneth.chrane at verizon.net
Wed Nov 24 07:55:27 UTC 2010

Fellow Federationists:

This Monday, November 29, the Senate will begin the process of 
getting the Motor Vehicle Safety Act, S. 3302, passed on the 
Unanimous Consent Calendar.

This legislation contains provisions of our Pedestrian Safety 
Enhancement Act, which would require that the Department of 
Transportation establish a motor vehicle safety standard that would 
require hybrid and electric vehicles to be equipped with an alert 
sound to alert pedestrians of their presence and operation.  While 
our portion of the Motor Vehicle Safety Act has support from the 
automobile industry, the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and 
Transportation has been working diligently to resolve other 
differences in the bill and to prepare the final legislation for 
Senate action.

The Unanimous Consent process begins with a hotline call to all 
members of the Senate, informing the members that this bill is being 
considered for the Unanimous Consent Calendar.  Members of the Senate 
will then have forty-eight hours to object to the bill moving on the 
Unanimous Consent Calendar.  If no member objects, the bill is 
considered passed without floor action, and will then be sent to the 
House of Representatives for floor action.  However, if even a single 
member objects, the bill cannot move forward until that member 
releases their hold on the legislation.

I am asking that you contact your senators early next week and urge 
them to support the Motor Vehicle Safety Act, S. 3302.  You can be 
connected to your senators' offices by calling the Capitol 
switchboard at (202) 224-3121.  I will send out another alert early 
next week to relay the latest news regarding this important legislation.

Thank you all for your hard work.

Jesse M. Hartle
Government Programs Specialist
Telephone: (410) 659-9314, extension 2233
E-mail: <mailto:jhartle at nfb.org>jhartle at nfb.org


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