[nfb-talk] FYI Are Braille's days as the great equalizer over?
Sarah Baughn
sarahb006 at comcast.net
Tue Nov 30 15:56:55 UTC 2010
And I am finding out that since I have had my Stream, I order Braille books
from the library less and less, and I love to read Braille, it's just that I
have admittedly gotten lazy.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Judy Jones" <jtj1 at cableone.net>
To: "NFB Talk Mailing List" <nfb-talk at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Saturday, November 27, 2010 11:59 AM
Subject: Re: [nfb-talk] FYI Are Braille's days as the great equalizer over?
> Sarah, you're so right.
> Once when my daughter was in middle school, when I went to check a paper
> she was handing in before printing, I discovered she had written it in
> textese. Like "Im, Ur," etc. I said that style is limited exclusively to
> texting on phones, but I'm seeing it on FB and elsewhere now, too. The
> basic problem across the board, blind, sighted, society in general is the
> lowering of standards and expectations in all venues of life.
> Judy
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: " Sarah Baughn" <sarahb006 at comcast.net>
> To: "qubit" <lauraeaves at yahoo.com>; "NFB Talk Mailing List"
> <nfb-talk at nfbnet.org>
> Sent: Saturday, November 27, 2010 9:37 AM
> Subject: Re: [nfb-talk] FYI Are Braille's days as the great equalizer
> over?
>> Well, I think it is imperative to learn Braille. That's the problem with
>> today's society, there is so much technology out there, and it's not only
>> a problem among the blind, but the sighted, with texting and such, don't
>> know how to spell because everything is so abbreviated these days.
>> Sarah
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "qubit" <lauraeaves at yahoo.com>
>> To: <info at michaelhingson.com>; "NFB Talk Mailing List"
>> <nfb-talk at nfbnet.org>
>> Sent: Friday, November 26, 2010 3:00 PM
>> Subject: Re: [nfb-talk] FYI Are Braille's days as the great equalizer
>> over?
>>> They neglect several important points: If a child is or will become
>>> deafblind, braille is essential for communication. Also, math and
>>> science
>>> are much more difficult to grasp without some kind of tactile
>>> representation. Finally, braille is useful for a lot more than just
>>> reading
>>> literature. It is good for labeling things around the house, or a file.
>>> It
>>> is useful for notes when public speaking. Having a notetaker with a
>>> refreshable display also allows a student to take notes quietly in a
>>> class.
>>> Finally, I was one of those partially sighted kids who learned braille
>>> in
>>> school but wasn't required to use it because I was able to see with
>>> magnification. Now as an adult over -- well, over a certain age
>>> *smile* --
>>> I find it much harder to improve my braille reading speed. I thankfully
>>> remember the codes, but memorization is only part of learning braille.
>>> There
>>> is the developed skill of recognizing symbols and words quickly with
>>> your
>>> fingers. I now wish I had spent more time with braille when I was a
>>> child.
>>> As far as I am concerned, the article is incomplete. Someone should
>>> write
>>> to the editor.
>>> --le
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: "Michael Hingson" <info at michaelhingson.com>
>>> To: "'NFB Talk Mailing List'" <nfb-talk at nfbnet.org>
>>> Sent: Friday, November 26, 2010 2:36 PM
>>> Subject: [nfb-talk] FYI Are Braille's days as the great equalizer over?
>>> Are Braille's days as the great equalizer over?
>>> Keith Gillard taps away on his computer's Microsoft Egronomic keyboard
>>> at
>>> his home in Edmonton, Aug. 4, 2010. "Braille is not necessary to have a
>>> full
>>> and complete life as a blind Canadian," he says.
>>> Walter Tychnowicz for National Post
>>> Keith Gillard taps away on his computer's Microsoft Egronomic keyboard
>>> at
>>> his home in Edmonton, Aug. 4, 2010. "Braille is not necessary to have a
>>> full
>>> and complete life as a blind Canadian," he says.
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>>> *
>>> Kenyon Wallace, National Post . Friday, Aug. 6, 2010
>>> The publication in 1829 of a small booklet explaining how a series of
>>> raised
>>> dots arranged in a line could teach the world's blind to read is one of
>>> modern history's great, if often overlooked, turning points.
>>> Once hailed as the great intellectual equalizer, Louis Braille's
>>> development
>>> of a new alphabet that could be read with the fingers is now at risk of
>>> being consigned to history, overtaken by the rapid pace of changing
>>> technology.
>>> Only 10% of blind school-aged children are taught Braille today;
>>> compared to
>>> about 50% in the 1960s, according to the U.S. National Federation of the
>>> Blind. The statistic is roughly the same for Canada.
>>> The prospect of Braille becoming obsolete has sparked a polarizing
>>> debate
>>> between advocates, educators and individuals over the causes of the
>>> code's
>>> decline and what to do about it.
>>> Advocates blame funding shortages, not enough qualified teachers, and
>>> decisions by administrators to deny Braille instruction to children with
>>> low
>>> vision because of an emphasis on encouraging these students to read
>>> print.
>>> Educators say this assessment couldn't be further from the truth and
>>> argue
>>> that today's diagnostic tools have honed the art of identifying those
>>> who
>>> truly require Braille instruction and those who don't.
>>> Others still - including many blind people - say advances in assistive
>>> technology, such as audiobooks, voice recognition software and computer
>>> screen-readers, have rendered Braille unnecessary in daily life. They
>>> say
>>> its cumbersome nature - a single Harry Potter book printed on Braille
>>> paper
>>> will fill a moving box - makes it impractical and unaffordable.
>>> "Braille is not necessary to have a full and complete life as a blind
>>> Canadian," said Edmonton resident Keith Gillard, who was born with
>>> retinitis
>>> pigmentosa, a degenerative eye condition that rendered him legally, but
>>> not
>>> completely, blind at birth. As a child, he was encouraged to use what
>>> vision
>>> he had to learn print, but not Braille. "They taught me how to touch
>>> type
>>> rather than learn Braille."
>>> By his mid-20s, the blurry fog obscuring his peripheral vision began to
>>> creep toward the centre of his eyes as his condition worsened. Mr.
>>> Gillard
>>> gauged the severity of his increasing blindness by his ability to see
>>> the
>>> lines on the ice at his local hockey rink each winter while playing on a
>>> blind hockey team.
>>> Now 49 and completely blind, he says he has contemplated learning
>>> Braille,
>>> but probably never will given the plethora of technological aids he uses
>>> at
>>> work as a federal civil servant and at home.
>>> "Adaptive technology has opened up the world of education and employment
>>> for
>>> blind Canadians. Braille hasn't done that," he said.
>>> "I recognize the benefits. Would I be better off as a blind Canadian if
>>> I
>>> was a proficient Braille reader? I think I would be. Is it necessary for
>>> me
>>> to be successful? No."
>>> Up until nine years ago, Sarah Empey, 35, had full eyesight. When she
>>> was
>>> 26, the Type 1 diabetic suffered complications due to high blood
>>> pressure
>>> and started to go blind. Despite several operations, she now has only
>>> 15%
>>> vision in her right eye.
>>> She intends to learn Braille one day, but hasn't found the need for it
>>> yet,
>>> and has learned only numbers.
>>> "It's not something I would use at this point," says Ms. Empey, a
>>> Calgary
>>> resident and short film director.
>>> She uses a program on her computer called ZoomText, which magnifies text
>>> and
>>> uses an audio device called a VictorReader to listen to books.
>>> "Some people are fine with technology doing everything for them. I do
>>> see
>>> Braille as slightly dying off, but for me, Braille still means more
>>> independence [in the future]."
>>> Twenty years ago, the predominant philosophy governing education of the
>>> blind was to maximize the efficiency of whatever vision students had in
>>> a
>>> regular classroom with their sighted peers. This required partially
>>> blind
>>> children to use a myriad of tools such as monocular telescopes to see
>>> the
>>> blackboard, magnifying glasses, bold markers and large-print books.
>>> These
>>> tools evolved through the 1980s to include small cameras students could
>>> roll
>>> over text that would be blown up on a closed circuit television.
>>> "Braille was never given to them as an option because if you had vision,
>>> you
>>> were supposed to use vision," said Dr. Carol Farrenkopf, coordinator of
>>> the
>>> Toronto District School Board's Vision Program.
>>> It wasn't until the mid-1990s that teachers began using a tool called a
>>> "learning media assessment," using observations and timed-readings to
>>> determine if Braille should be introduced.
>>> Another factor driving down the rate of Braille use is the fact that
>>> those
>>> who go blind later in life due to medical conditions, such as diabetes
>>> and
>>> macular degeneration, already have literacy skills and are therefore
>>> less
>>> likely to be inclined to learn a new writing system.
>>> "A 60-year-old woman working who already knows how to read and write and
>>> then loses her vision, why does she need to learn Braille when she can
>>> keep
>>> going with technology?" said Ms. Farrenkopf.
>>> She stresses that not all blind children need to be taught Braille.
>>> "Legal blindness is not the same thing as being totally blind," said Ms.
>>> Farrenkopf, noting that 20/200 vision - legal blindness - is still
>>> functional vision. (Someone with 20/200 can see a letter at 20 feet
>>> while a
>>> person with normal vision can see the same letter from 200 feet.)
>>> "Kids with 20/200 vision don't need to be reading Braille."
>>> That opinion is not shared by all Braille advocates, who wonder at the
>>> logic
>>> of not teaching the system to children when many eye conditions are
>>> degenerative.
>>> "They're in the school system where people are being encouraged to use
>>> the
>>> technology and their remaining vision at the expense of learning Braille
>>> that will prepare them for vision loss as they get older," said CNIB
>>> spokeswoman Ellie Shuster.
>>> Advocates also say the integration of blind children within the regular
>>> school system means less one-on-one time between teachers and students
>>> and
>>> therefore less consistent Braille instruction. The result, they say, is
>>> that
>>> many students end up being functionally illiterate.
>>> "School districts across the country, in general, don't adequately
>>> support
>>> Braille instruction," said Betty Nobel, president of the Canadian
>>> Braille
>>> Authority. "In the primary grades, kids should have daily Braille
>>> instruction, but they're not getting that."
>>> Forty years ago, Canada was home to several residential schools for the
>>> blind, where all students were expected to learn Braille. There is only
>>> one
>>> such school remaining today: W. Ross Macdonald School for the Blind and
>>> Deafblind in Brantford, Ont.
>>> The Atlantic Provinces Special Education Authority, which provides
>>> educational services to students from birth to 21 years of age with
>>> sensory
>>> impairments, has also established several successful short-term,
>>> intensive
>>> Braille courses that can be taken during the regular school year.
>>> But it's not enough, says Ms. Nobel, who is also department head of the
>>> Program for the Visually Impaired at Vancouver Community College and a
>>> CNIB
>>> library board member. She says teachers in the regular school system may
>>> not
>>> have blind children in their classes every year, meaning they lack the
>>> opportunity to stay proficient in Braille.
>>> "If this means lowering the workloads for teachers that have blind
>>> students,
>>> that's what we need," she said.
>>> The implications for an illiterate blind population are profound.
>>> A study by Dr. Ruby Ryles, a blindness researcher at Louisiana Tech
>>> University, found that visually impaired people who learned Braille at a
>>> young age were more likely to be employed, financially independent and
>>> better educated than those who relied primarily on print -- this in a
>>> world
>>> where blind adults already face an unemployment rate of over 70%.
>>> Diana Brent, a teacher of visually impaired students, and her husband,
>>> Doug
>>> Brent, a University of Calgary communications professor, are the authors
>>> of
>>> one of the only studies comparing the writings of blind people who
>>> learned
>>> Braille at a young age and those who didn't. Non-Braille users were
>>> asked to
>>> type stories on a keyboard using audio software.
>>> Their findings were alarming. The Brents described the prose of the
>>> non-Braille group as "jumbled and confused."
>>> "It's as if all of their ideas are crammed into a container, shaken, and
>>> thrown randomly onto a sheet of paper like dice onto a table," the
>>> authors
>>> concluded. "The process of making connections, linking one idea to
>>> another
>>> is tenuous at best."
>>> While preliminary, the results suggest that blind children relying
>>> solely on
>>> an oral education have virtually no means of literacy in the sense that
>>> society has come to understand it.
>>> "It's still well worth teaching children Braille, even if they choose
>>> later
>>> to drift away from it," said Mr. Brent. "To not have access to a way of
>>> organizing thought that depends on a system of written record, to not be
>>> formed by that arguably makes people think differently and puts them at
>>> a
>>> significant disadvantage."
>>> kewallace at nationalpost.com
>>> - - -
>>> Who was Louis Braille?
>>> Louis Braille was born fully sighted on Jan. 4, 1809 in a small town
>>> near
>>> Paris, France.
>>> He lost his sight as a small boy after accidentally stabbing himself in
>>> the
>>> eye with a stitching awl his his father's shoemaking workshop. An
>>> infection
>>> in one eye spread to the other, rendering him completely blind.
>>> A creative and intelligent boy, Braille earned a scholarship to the
>>> Royal
>>> Institution for Blind Youth in Paris when he was 10.
>>> While there, he learned to read using a system of raised letters by
>>> pressing
>>> shaped copper wire onto paper. But this cumbersome system made it
>>> impossible
>>> for blind people to write by themselves.
>>> In 1821, French army captain Charles Barbier de la Serre visited the
>>> school
>>> to share his invention, which he called "Night Writing." The invention
>>> was a
>>> series of 12 raised dots combined to form words that soldiers could use
>>> to
>>> communicate in the night without talking.
>>> The code proved too difficult to understand, so Braille modified the
>>> system
>>> to a series of six raised dots, with characters representing each letter
>>> of
>>> the alphabet. In 1829 he published his system in the booklet, "The
>>> Method of
>>> Writing Words, Music and Plain Song by Means of Dots, for Use by the
>>> Blind
>>> and Arranged by Them."
>>> This new system of reading and writing - Braille - did not catch on
>>> immediately. Braille, who eventually became a teacher at the Institute,
>>> died
>>> of tuberculosis on Jan. 6, 1852, before even his own school adopted his
>>> code.
>>> The French government officially recognized the Braille system two years
>>> later, and it eventually became the world standard for written
>>> communication
>>> for the blind.
>>> In 1952, Braille's body was disinterred and reburied in the Pantheon in
>>> Paris to lie with the remains of other distinguished French citizens.
>>> Kenyon Wallace, National Post
>>> - - -
>>> Blindness By The Numbers
>>> 10 Percentage of legally blind North Americans who can read Braille
>>> 836,000 Number of Canadians living with significant vision loss that
>>> cannot
>>> be corrected with ordinary lenses
>>> 70 Percentage of blind North Americans who are unemployed
>>> 1,000,000 number of Canadians with some form of macular degeneration,
>>> the
>>> leading cause of vision loss in North Americans over the age of 50
>>> 90 Percentage of blind children in the United States not learning
>>> Braille
>>> today
>>> 50 Percentage of blind American high school students who drop out
>>> 75,000 Number of people who lose all or part of their vision every year
>>> Source: NFB and CNIB
>>> Tools
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>>> text
>>> size
>>> . Print <http://www.nationalpost.com/news/canada/#Print>
>>> More On This Story
>>> .
>>> <http://www.nationalpost.com/news/canada/Blind+person+sense+smell+better+dif
>>> ferent+study/2958847/story.html> Blind person's sense of smell not
>>> better,
>>> but different: study
>>> .
>>> <http://www.nationalpost.com/news/canada/Artist+creates+book+nudes+blind/290
>>> 3068/story.html> Artist creates book of nudes for the blind
>>> The Michael Hingson Group, INC.
>>> "Speaking with Vision"
>>> Michael Hingson, President
>>> (415) 827-4084
>>> <mailto:info at michaelhingson.com> info at michaelhingson.com
>>> To learn more about my upcoming book, speaking topics and speaking
>>> availability please visit <http://www.michaelhingson.com>
>>> www.michaelhingson.com
>>> Thunder Dog is now available for early ordering on Amazon!!!
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>>> for info on the new KNFB Reader Mobile, visit:
>>> <http://knfbreader.michaelhingson.com>
>>> http://knfbreader.michaelhingson.com
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