[nfb-talk] Freedom Scientific Releases NewandImprovedOCRRecognition Software for JAWS and OpenBook, @ FreedomScientific News March 30 2012

Constance Canode satin-bear at sbcglobal.net
Mon Apr 2 02:05:52 UTC 2012

Tears of laughter are streaming down my 
face.  That was amazing.  Thanks for sharing.  I 
guess I have a warped sense of humor.
At 07:24 PM 4/1/2012, you wrote:
>Hi Constance: Well, you asked.  So, here it 
>was.  And, you'll note that I didn't even tell 
>them it was April Fools because I did start out 
>by saying, "considering the date." Sent: 
>Wednesday, April 01, 2009 10:32 AM Subject: 
>[nfb-talk] Blindness Research Considering the 
>date, this is well written. Mike Blindness and 
>Sexuality: Researching Myths and Facts Summary 
>Report: Distributed by: National Data 
>Distribution Center (NDDC) April 1, 2009 Atlanta 
>Georgia The two hundredth anniversary of the 
>birth of Louis Braille is being celebrated by 
>the US mint with the production of a silver coin 
>commemorating the man who created the modern 
>reading system used by many blind people. 
>Unfortunately, although blind people work and 
>live normal lives, they are still different in 
>many ways and their experiences are a matter of 
>curiosity amongst the sighted population.  For 
>most of us, the question, "What is it like to be 
>blind?," has entered our minds more than once. 
>Research, some of it useful and much of it not, 
>about how people who are blind perceive the 
>world, abounds.  One of the more interesting 
>topics of study is sexuality among the 
>blind.  The story, goes that blind people are 
>incredible sexual partners--somehow being 
>extremely sensitive to their partners and, being 
>able to stimulate them far more than the average 
>person. Masters and Johnson were so intrigued by 
>this subject that they collected data over 
>several years from those who had had sex with 
>blind people. Surprisingly, what they thought 
>would be myths, turned out to be true. The 
>results were stunning.  On average, women rated 
>their blind partners 9.1 on a scale of 10.  The 
>average rating was five for sighted partners. 
>"This research has been duplicated several 
>times," says Author Mary Roach, author of, 2008 
>best seller, Bonk: the Curious Coupling of 
>Science and Sex.  The data hasn't attracted much 
>attention because blindness is such a low 
>incidence event.  "We usually print things that 
>have broad interest.  And, even though this 
>indicates that blind people are incredibly 
>sexual, there aren't really enough of them to go 
>around." Comments from sighted partners were 
>astounding.  "He seemed like he knew my soul," 
>from a 23 year old female.  "Her tongue knew 
>just how to touch every part of me if you know 
>what I mean," from a college male.  One woman 
>commented, "The things he could do with his 
>fingers were beyond description in this 
>survey.  It's not that he was built bigger than 
>other men, it just seemed like he touched me 
>inside with it all over,"  she said with a shy 
>smile. When William Masters was asked, in a 1971 
>interview, why he didn't draw more attention to 
>these findings he said, "I didn't know anything 
>about blindness.  We were publishing information 
>of general interest about sexuality and this 
>just didn't fit that mold.  Perhaps some day 
>researchers will help us understand why blind 
>people have such incredible sexual capacities 
>and we'll be able to use that information to 
>increase the abilities of others.  Until then, a 
>very few lucky men and women will experience the 
>phenomena of sex with a blind person." There is 
>a down side to this research.  When interviewed, 
>blind people generally expressed frustration 
>about sexuality.  Broadly speaking, they divided 
>sighted people into three groups.  First is the 
>group who simply want to have sex with them for 
>the thrill and experience of it.  "We feel 
>used," was the most common thing 
>reported.  second, was the group who simply 
>couldn't see themselves with a blind husband or 
>wife.  "They want to be with us, but don't see 
>us as fathers and mothers, for example,"  was 
>often heard. the third group were those who "get 
>it" as one blind man put it.  "They can see 
>beyond blindness and except us for who we 
>are.  Blindness just fades into the background 
>and becomes another characteristic." The sad 
>truth is that although blind people work, raise 
>families, travel independently and generally 
>speaking, live normal lives, the public 
>perception is the opposite.  The image of the 
>helpless beggar still lurks in our 
>minds.  Sighted people report that the fear of 
>blindness overwelms their rationality.  "I know 
>that I shouldn't let blindness interfere with 
>how I think about my partner, but, I can't help 
>it," said a young college student engaged to a 
>blind physicist working at NASA.  "Yes, he has 
>money, and yes, he's sexy, and oh, my god, can 
>he please me, if you know what I mean.  The 
>hardest thing is getting over this image of him 
>as a helpless blind man. We sail, bike ride and 
>horse back ride.  I can't think of anything he 
>can't do except drive, but, I'll admit, the 
>image of a helpless blind man still haunts 
>me.  People look at him with such pity and I 
>just want to scream, "You don't get it you 
>fools.""  But she admits that making the 
>decision to mary is difficult. Chad, a young 
>blind college student says he finds the whole 
>sex thing a bit distracting.  "Sure I can please 
>women more than my sighted friends can, and 
>frankly, it's because they just don't pay 
>attention to women and what their bodies and 
>hearts are saying.  Women will tell you 
>everything you need to know if you just listen 
>and feel." We give you all of this information 
>with the caviat that perhaps only one in six 
>thousand people is an eligible blind man or 
>woman, so, happy searching. This email was 
>cleaned by emailStripper, available for free 
>from http://www.papercut.biz/emailStripper.htm 
>-----Original Message----- From: 
>nfb-talk-bounces at nfbnet.org 
>[mailto:nfb-talk-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf 
>Of Constance Canode Sent: Sunday, April 01, 2012 
>7:31 PM To: NFB Talk Mailing List Subject: Re: 
>[nfb-talk] Freedom Scientific Releases 
>NewandImprovedOCRRecognition Software for JAWS 
>and OpenBook, @ FreedomScientific News March 30 
>2012 Loved the joke, and would love to see the 
>sex and blind people joke.  I don't remember 
>ever seeing it...smile and happy April Fool's 
>Day to all! At 05:17 PM 4/1/2012, you 
>wrote: >Congratulations on an excellent april 
>fools day >post.  Haven't seen anything this 
>good since my >article on sex and blind people 
>several years >ago.  And, if it's any 
>consolation, many people >complained about that 
>as well.  Apparently there >are lots of people 
>who just don't read carefully >on this list 
>(laugh). Again.  Congratulations. >Mike Bullis 
>-----Original Message----- 
>From: >nfb-talk-bounces at nfbnet.org >[mailto:nfb-t 
>alk-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf >Of Ray Foret 
>Jr Sent: Sunday, April 01, 2012 >5:41 PM To: NFB 
>Talk Mailing List Subject: Re: >[nfb-talk] 
>Freedom Scientific 
>Releases >NewandImprovedOCRRecognition Software 
>for JAWS >and OpenBook, @ FreedomScientific News 
>March 30 >2012 Well, irrisponsible though it 
>was, it was >well written. Sincerely, The 
>Constantly >Barefooted Ray!!! Now a very proud 
>and happy Mac >user!!! Skype name: barefootedray 
>Facebook: >facebook.com/ray.foretjr.1 On Apr 1, 
>2012, at >4:38 PM, Humberto Avila wrote: > 
>Brian, I can >agree no more! Life should be 
>taken soft, and >humor should be in our lives, 
>and yes, an april >fools day joke perhaps, once 
>a year. > > > >-----Original Message----- > 
>From: >nfb-talk-bounces at nfbnet.org >[mailto:nfb-t 
>alk-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf >Of Brian 
>Miller > Sent: Sunday, April 01, 2012 >12:44 
>PM > To: 'NFB Talk Mailing List' > >Subject: Re: 
>[nfb-talk] Freedom Scientific >Releases 
>NewandImprovedOCRRecognition Software >for JAWS 
>and OpenBook,@ FreedomScientific News >March 30 
>2012 > > Peter, > With all due respect, >it says 
>April  Fools right at the bottom of the >message 
>-- any tech company that went after a >prankster 
>like this would be laughed out of >court. > > I 
>admit to having been suckered in at >first too 
>until I red the last bit -- it's the >sign of a 
>superior April Fools product! > > >Laugh, it's 
>just life! > > Brian M > > >> >-----Original 
>Message----- >> 
>From: >nfb-talk-bounces at nfbnet.org >> >[mailto:nf 
>b-talk-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf >Of Peter 
>Donahue >> Sent: Sunday, April 01, 2012 >2:26 
>PM >> To: NFB Talk Mailing List >> Subject: >Re: 
>[nfb-talk] Freedom Scientific Releases >New >> 
>andImprovedOCRRecognition Software for >JAWS and 
>OpenBook,@ >> FreedomScientific News >March 30 
>2012 >> >> Hello Humberto 
>and >everyone, >> >>    If I owned an adaptive 
>tech >company and you pull >> something like 
>this >related to one of my products you'd 
>be >> >looking for an attorney by now. I don't 
>care >what day it is >> this is really not 
>funny >particularly when the person who did >> 
>it >freely admits doing so. >> >> 
>Peter >Donahue >> >> >> ----- Original Message 
>----- >> >From: "Humberto 
>Avila" ><avila.bert.humberto2 at gmail.com> >> To: 
>"'NFB >Talk Mailing List'" 
><nfb-talk at nfbnet.org> >> >Sent: Sunday, April 
>01, 2012 11:40 AM >> >Subject: Re: [nfb-talk] 
>Freedom Scientific >Releases New and >> 
>ImprovedOCRRecognition >Software for JAWS and 
>OpenBook,@ >> >FreedomScientific News March 30 
>2012 >> >> >>> >Did you read the bottom of my 
>message? >>> >>> >-----Original Message----- >>> 
>From: >nfb-talk-bounces at nfbnet.org >> >[mailto:nf 
>b-talk-bounces at nfbnet.org] >>> On >Behalf Of 
>Peter Donahue >>> Sent: Sunday, April >01, 2012 
>4:50 AM >>> To: NFB Talk Mailing >List >>> 
>Subject: Re: [nfb-talk] Freedom >Scientific 
>Releases New and >> Improved >>> >OCRRecognition 
>Software for JAWS and >OpenBook,@ >> 
>FreedomScientific News >>> March >30 
>2012 >>> >>> Hello Joshua 
>and >everyone, >>> >>>   Did you check their Web 
>site >to verify if this is indeed >> the 
>truth >>> or >an April fool? Before declaring 
>this thing a >joke it's best to >>> check the 
>technology >vendor's Web site to determine 
>if >> >announcements >>> like this are indeed 
>fact or >if they're fiction. >>> >>> 
>Peter >Donahue >>> >>> ----- Original Message 
>----- >>> >From: "Joshua 
>Lester" ><jlester8462 at students.pccua.edu> >>> 
>To: "NFB >Talk Mailing List" 
><nfb-talk at nfbnet.org> >>> >Sent: Sunday, April 
>01, 2012 3:28 AM >>> >Subject: Re: [nfb-talk] 
>Freedom Scientific >Releases New and >> 
>Improved >>> OCR Recognition >Software for JAWS 
>and OpenBook, @ >FreedomScientific >>> News 
>March 30 >2012 >>> >>> >>> Lame joke! >>> 
>Blessings, >Joshua >>> >>> On 4/1/12, Humberto 
>Avila ><avila.bert.humberto2 at gmail.com> 
>wrote: >>>> >From: @ Freedom Scientific 
>News >>>> >[mailto:freedomscientificnews at freedoms 
>  > >>>> ><mailto:%5bmailto:freedomscientificnews 
>@freedomscientific.com%5d>  > >>>> >>>> Sent: 
>Saturday, March 31, 2012 2:35 >PM EDT >>>> >>>> 
>To: Humberto 
>Avila >[mailto:avila.bert.humberto2 at gmail.com] >> 
> >> ><mailto:%5bmailto:avila.bert.humberto2 at gmail 
>.com%5d>  > >>>> >>>> Subject: Freedom 
>Scientific Releases >New and Improved OCR >> 
>Recognition >>>> >Software for JAWS 
>and >OpenBook >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> Having 
>trouble >viewing this email? 
>Click >>>> >> ><http://www.freedomscientific.com/ 
>  > >>>> >roved-ocr-software-openbook-jaws.html>  
> >>>> here >to view in a 
>browser. >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >For 
>Immediate >Release: >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> 
>  >>>> >>>> >Freedom Scientific Releases New and 
>Improved >OCR >> Recognition Software >>>> for 
>JAWS and >OpenBook >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> 
>Today, Freedom >Scientific, one of the 
>world̢۪s leading >> >screen en reading >>>> 
>and blindness product >makers, has just recently 
>developed and >>>> >released a new breakthrough 
>in its line of >products of assistive >>>> 
>technology for blind >and visually impaired 
>computer >users. >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> Have you 
>ever wanted >to take OpenBook® with you at 
>all >> times >anywhere >>>> you can possibly go 
>with it? Or >even better, have you >> always 
>wanted >>>> to >be able to pick up a handwritten 
>note on a piece >of >> paper and be >>>> able to 
>read it >instantly just like anybody else? Or 
>maybe you >are >>>> one of those frustrated 
>students that >are inundated with >> printed 
>or >>>> >handwritten material that you can̢۪t 
>rearead in or >out of a classroom >>>> setting 
>and you have to >wait even hours or days for >> 
>somebody to >read >>>> to you. Maybe you are at 
>a conference, >you are given a >> business 
>card >>>> or a >simple handout that is 
>important, and you need >to fill out or >>>> 
>read >along? >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> Well, wish and 
>wonder >no more! Freedom Scientific now has >> 
>the >solution! >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> Due to 
>popular >demand, and numerous emails and 
>feedback >> >requests from >>>> our users, 
>Freedom Scientific >has decided to step 
>forward. >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >We have released a 
>new, updated, and improved >OCR >> recognition 
>engine >>>> for both, our >Openbook® and 
>JAWS® products. This bran new >release >>>> 
>includes many new features, which >include, but 
>not limited to: >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >* The 
>ability to recognize smaller type font 
>and >better >> recognition >>>> of columns 
>in >sophisticated tables, which can easily 
>be >> >confusing to read. >>>> * The ability 
>to >recognize print on smaller pieces of 
>print >paper, >>>> such as note slips or contact 
>cards >on the spot, with better print >>>> focus 
>and >not the scanner bed or camera. >>>> * 
>Finally, >the ability to recognize handwriting 
>about >85-90% >>>> >accuracy! >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> 
>  >>>> >>>> Yes, >that‬™s right! Our new OCR 
>engine has built-in >support forr >>>> 
>handwriting >>>> recognition. >That means that 
>you can either scan or place >> >a 
>handwritten >>>> note >>>> from a co-worker, 
>a >spouse, or from a door, into your >> camera 
>or >scanner >>>> of >>>> your choice, and 
>Openbook® >will automatically recognize it >> 
>and be able >to >>>> read it with speech and / 
>or Braille >output from your preferred >>>> 
>synthesizer >>>> >or Braille display! Not only 
>this. You can open >a .pdf, >> .jpg, or 
>.png >>>> image >>>> that >someone sent you with 
>handwriting over the email >on >> your 
>computer, >>>> perform the OCR >recognition 
>command (JAWS 13 and later >> only), >and 
>bingo! >>>> You >>>> will hear the >handwriting 
>being spoken out to you or sent >> >to your 
>Braille >>>> display. Please note that >these 
>new features offered by >> this >improved >>>> 
>version of the OCR engine for >JAWS® or 
>OpenBook® software are only >>>> >compatible 
>with Openbook versions later than 8.0 >and 
>JAWS >> version 13.0 or >>>> later. Please >note 
>users of JAWS earlier than 13.0, we >> 
>will >release a >>>> version of the new OCR 
>engine >that we released with JAWS >> 13.0 
>later >this >>>> month, with the same features 
>as the >ones offered now, so >> you aren̢۪t 
>left >>>> >outout on these new features! This 
>update to the >OCR engine >> can work with >>>> 
>both >>>> 32- >and 64-bit 
>operating >systems. >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> Want 
>some even more >awesome news from our 
>OpenBook® >> development >team? We >>>> have 
>released OpenBook Mobile®, a >scanning and 
>reading >> solution app for >>>> >your >>>> iOS 
>device! This means that you can >use our 
>popular >> scanning and reading >>>> >solution 
>right from your iPhone, iPad or iPod >Touch, 
>using >> VoiceOver and >>>> the >>>> >camera of 
>your device! Yes, that̢۪s 
>right, >OpenBookÃok® is >> going mobile, 
>and >>>> you >>>> >will be able to take it 
>anywhere you go that you >find >> printed 
>material >>>> that >>>> you >cannot read. You 
>will be able to go on a trip, >be >> given an 
>airport >>>> boarding pass, and >you will no 
>longer need sighted >> assistance to >see >>>> 
>whether >>>> your plane was gone before >you 
>knew it, or to see your 
>flight >>>> >information. >>>> You will be able 
>to go to a >church service and be able to >> 
>access >printed >>>> booklets of hymns or group 
>prayers >easily and independently without >>>> 
>requesting >sighted help. Even more fantastic, 
>you will >be >> able to walk >>>> into >>>> a 
>classroom >door that appears to have no one 
>waiting with >> >you, bump into >>>> a >>>> 
>little sticky note >with your finger below or 
>above the >> Braille >marking of >>>> the 
>classroom number, and not >have to wait so many 
>hours >> and precious >>>> >study >>>> time 
>trying to find out if the >instructor canceled 
>the >> class or >whatever >>>> other scheduling 
>conflict that >might have occurred with >> 
>that >instructor. >>>> If >>>> you have an 
>iPhone, >iPod Touch or iPad, you will get it >> 
>out, snap >a photo >>>> of >>>> that little 
>sticky note, >and you will be able to find 
>out >> what̢۪s >wrong >>>> quickly, 
>independently  y  and >immediately with the 
>built-in >> >handwriting >>>> recognition of the 
>OCR engine >for OpenBook Mobile®! It’s 
>so >easy! >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> Currently, Op 
>OpenBook >Mobile® for iOS platforms is 
>available >> at >the Apple >>>> iTunes store and 
>it costs $2.99. >This app is designed to >> fit 
>any budget. >>>> >So, >>>> what are you waiting 
>for? Purchase your >OpenBook Mobile® >> app 
>for your >>>> >iPhone >>>> / iPod / iPad now, 
>and let your >future shine today! The power 
>of >>>> >technology >>>> and handwriting is in 
>your >hands, like never 
>before! >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> If >you have any 
>questions regarding these two >new >> 
>initiatives, don’t ¢t >>>> hesitate to >give 
>us a call at 1-800-444-4443 or e-mail 
>us >at >>>> support at freedomScientific.com. We 
>would >like to hear from >> you and 
>your >>>> >feedback! >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>> 
> > >Sincerely, >>>> >>>> The Freedom Scientific 
>Team >************** >>>> >>>> P.S. April Fools! 
>â˜Âº >â˜Âº 
>:))) >>>> >>>> >_________________________________ 
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