[nfb-talk] CT Association of Blind Students Email Listserv

David Andrews dandrews at visi.com
Sun Dec 23 17:24:56 UTC 2012

>The Connecticut Association of Blind Students is 
>proud to announce its new email listserv!
> From this point forward, I will send one more 
> reminder email, and we will otherwise only use 
> the listserv for our mass communications.
>An email listserv, for those of you who don't 
>know, is like putting a spoon, facing upward, 
>under a faucet.  There's one stream of water 
>going in and many deflected streams coming 
>out.  You send one message to the listserv, and 
>it goes to every member of the listserv.
>To join the Connecticut Association of Blind 
>Students' email listserv, follow this link, and 
>then follow the quick and easy instructions.  It 
>takes literally thirty seconds.
>If you have any questions, I encourage you to contact me directly.
>Yours in Federationism,
>Justin Salisbury
>Justin M. Salisbury
>B.A. in Mathematics
>Class of 2012
>East Carolina University
>president at alumni.ecu.edu
>“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, 
>committed citizens can change the world; indeed, 
>it’s the only thing that ever has.”    —MARGARET MEAD

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