[nfb-talk] Credit cards

qubit lauraeaves at yahoo.com
Fri Dec 28 16:48:18 UTC 2012

How would you get the entire account number and exp date and other info 
brailled on a little credit card? What I always do is take a 3 by 5 
braillable index card (I get them from APH) and braille the numbers and 
other info, including phone numbers, on the 3X5 card.  I have a small stack 
of these in addition to my regular credit cards.  I keep the braille cards 
separate from the plastic cards.  This has proven immensely helpful, not 
just for credit and debit cards, but also for numbers on my photo id.  Does 
anyone else do this?
Happy brailling

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Powers, Terry (NIH/NCI) [E]" <Terry.Powers at nih.gov>
To: "'NFB Talk Mailing List'" <nfb-talk at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Friday, December 28, 2012 9:57 AM
Subject: Re: [nfb-talk] Credit cards

Why not use clear dimo tape and braille them, yourself.  Just have someone 
help you, so the braille is on the frunt.  I never thought of doing this 
until now.  I just might do this, myself!

Terry Powers

-----Original Message-----
From: d m gina [mailto:dmgina at samobile.net]
Sent: Friday, December 21, 2012 11:37 PM
To: nfb-talk at nfbnet.org
Subject: [nfb-talk] Credit cards

I was over at the mall and someone thought it would be a swell thing to use 
my card even if it brought down the account.
this happened to my debit card, where I have a question.
When I got my new card today it has Braille on it.
I am wondering if the national would take on having all credit cards in 
Braille if we share we are blind, so that we would know one card from 
yes I have places in my wallet where I keep all of my cards, while I do 
enjoy the Braille on this one.
Just some thoughts.
I would write to  Mark Mauer if others thought they would like to see the 
same thing happen.

skype: dmgina23
  FB: dmgina
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