[nfb-talk] Update to PAD flyer, convention 2012

Jordy Stringer jordystringer83 at gmail.com
Sun Jun 10 17:16:00 UTC 2012

Greetings from The performing arts division,>

We hope this message finds you well!

Thanks to you! This has been an exciting year for the division, from the
release of Souned in sight Volume Two, to the development of several state
performing arts divisions.


As we turn our attention to convention 2012, being held in Dallas 

Texas at the Hilton Anatole Hotel

2201 North Stemmons Freeway

Dallas, Texas 75207.

I'd take this time to remind members that this is an election year. > This
year we will be electing our 2012/2014 officers. This will happen during the
general membership meeting on Monday July 2.  Only due paying members should
vote. The meeting time is scheduled for 1:00 to 4:00 with the elections
beginning at 2:00. 

Location: Peridot Room, Atrium mezzanine.  

All seats are up for election!


Current officers:


Dennis HR Sumlin> 

Vice President:

Jordy D. Stringer


Beth Allred


Brooke Fox


Additionally three board member seats are available as well. So remember to
make this a part of your convention schedule.  We will 

> Also be ratifying a new constitution this year.


This year we are proud to once again offer our membership the opportunity to
show us what you've got! Please join us and share your 

Talents at the 12th annual showcase of talent being held Wednesday July 5,
2012. "Show time 6:30 PM until 10:15PM" 

Location: Stemmons Ballroom, Atrium lobby .Cost $5 for > Both entry and

There will be door prizes!

To sign up for the talent show, contact the Performing Arts leadership at

347-948-4445 no earlier than July 2.


As Apple is the current leader in the development of technology giving
access to the blind out of the box this year during the convention the
performing arts division will be raffling and I pad 3.  To view the specs




Tickets for this amazing peace of technology start at $7 for one,

$15 for three and five tickets for $20. The Drawing will take place during
the showcase of talent Wednesday July 4. Tickets are on sale now!

To purchase tickets prier to convention contact Vice President Jordy
Stringer at: jordystringer83 at gmail.com or by phone: 317-643-1890. 

For tickets during convention see any board member.


Join the Performing Arts division for other events like the song writers
workshop with Kevin > Reeves.  Monday July 2 starting at 6PM. Admission:

Location: Peridot Room, Atrium mezzanine

and our Performing Arts open house event on Tuesday July 3. 

Location: Dardanelles Room, Atrium mezzanine

Donations Welcome 


Be sure to make your presents known, and to be part of the first days of the
future of the performing arts division.


Stop by our table in the exhibit hall to pick up your copy of Souned in
sight Volume Two, to become a member or to find out what else the division
is doing and to see how you can help!


I close with the following excerpt from Dr. Marc Maurers the Urgency of
Optimism Banquet speech!"

As we have observed in the National Federation of the Blind, leadership is
one vital element of progress. As an organization must have faith in its
future, the leaders of the organization must be optimistic. Pessimism
signifies atrophy. Operating the same old program in the same old way will
not encourage growth. Optimism and openness to imagination must be a part of
the leadership. Every organization is faced with the same imperative: build
or wither, grow or die. The openness to imaginative thought and the faith to
believe that better, more effective programs can be created are part of the
spirit of the National Federation of the Blind."


Jordy D. Stringer

Vice President, Performing arts Division, National Federation of the blind




 <mailto:Jordystringer83 at gmail.com> Jordystringer83 at gmail.com


"Disability is not a brave struggle or courage in the face of adversity.
Disability is an art. It's an ingenious way to live."


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