[nfb-talk] Fwd: Re: goodwill

Sheila Leigland sleigland at bresnan.net
Wed Aug 7 20:43:03 UTC 2013

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Re: goodwill
Date: 	Wed, 7 Aug 2013 11:23:56 -0700
From: 	Jon Perri <jon at change.org>
To: 	Sheila Leigland <sleigland at bresnan.net>

I'll just paste the forbes article text into this email:

  Does Goodwill Industries Exploit Disabled Workers?


A Goodwill worker in Sioux Falls, S.D.

For Sheila Leigland, a blind Goodwill employee in Great Falls, Montana, 
earning $3.99 an hour was already tough. But when the Rockville, 
Md.-based nonprofit wanted to cut her salary to $2.75, she decided it 
was time to quit. “I want to be paid a living wage for meaningful work,” 
she says. Blind since birth, Leigland, 58, survives on disability 
payments. “It’s not just me—all Goodwill employees deserve the same. 
They call themselves leaders in providing opportunity for the disabled, 
but since when did opportunity look like a quarter an hour?”

Leigland’s husband Harold, 66, a former massage therapist, also works at 
Goodwill, earning $5.40 an hour. No, that isn’t anywhere near the 
minimum wage.

The plight of the Leiglands and of other low-paid Goodwill workers has 
gotten some attention lately, which has resulted in a petition on 
Change.org <http://www.change.org/goodwill> that has pulled in 150,000 
since late June. The petition calls on Goodwill to pay all its workers 
at least the minimum wage. “If you can afford multimillion dollar 
executive compensation packages,” says the petition, “You can afford to 
do right by your workers.”

On June 21, NBC News ran a television piece 
<http://www.nbcnews.com/video/rock-center/52257275#52257275> on “Rock 
Center with Brian Williams.” Salon 
<http://www.salon.com/2013/06/21/goodwill_pays_workers_with_disabilities_as_little_as_22_cents_an_hour/> and 
the Huffington Post 
<http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/06/21/goodwill-workers-disabilities-low-wage_n_3478013.html> also 
reported on the issue and several organizations including the National 
Federation of the Blind and a group called the Autistics Self Advocacy 
Network have called for changes at Goodwill. According to Labor 
Department documents dug up by NBC, Goodwill has paid workers in 
Pennsylvania as little as 22 cents, 38 cents and 41 cents an hour. 
(Goodwill says those ultra-low-wage figures are distorted because 
sometimes workers run into emotional or physical issues, don’t finish 
their shifts, and then wait for a parent or caregiver to arrive; in 
those cases Goodwill must still count the total amount of time the 
worker stays on the job, which translates to an abnormally low hourly wage.

A provision in the Fair Labor Standard Act (FLSA) of 1938 gives 
employers the right to pay people with disabilities below the minimum 
wage. At Goodwill, explains Leigland, disabled employees take a timed 
test to see how quickly they can sort and hang a rack of clothes. The 
garments must be facing to the left and the top buttons fastened and 
separated into men’s, women’s and children’s sections. Goodwill wants 
workers to be able to hang 100 garments with no errors in 32 minutes. 
“We can’t do it that quickly because we can’t look at a garment and see 
the size,” she says about her experience and her husband’s. Depending on 
how slow the employee works, Goodwill lowers the hourly wage.

As for executives bringing home high salaries, Goodwill International 
CEO Jim Gibbons, earns a base salary of $434,252. Change.org claims that 
the salaries for top managers at 150 Goodwill locations across the 
country total more than $30 million. “If you can afford to pay six- and 
seven-figure salaries to your executives, you can afford to pay minimum 
wage to your employees,” says Autistic Self Advocacy Network president 
Ari Ne’eman in a statement.

Goodwill has responded to the reports and the petition with two written 
statements, here 
<http://www.goodwill.org/meaningful-work-for-people-with-disabilities/> and 
According to Goodwill, the Change.org petition “paint[s] an inaccurate 
picture of Goodwill and the use by some Goodwill agencies of the U.S. 
Department of Labor’s Special Minimum Wage Certificate.” It’s not fair 
to take “isolated incidences” of low pay and imply that they are typical 
for Goodwill, says one of the statements. The average hourly wage for 
the roughly 7,000 Goodwill employees who are paid under the FLSA 
provision is $7.47, says Goodwill.  And that’s just 5%-7% of the 
organization’s workforce. An additional 25,000 disabled workers make an 
average annualized salary of $29,000, it says. Goodwill maintains that 
it’s not exploiting workers but rather giving them the opportunity to 
work, at a time when some 80% of people with disabilities in the U.S. do 

Labor groups and disabled Goodwill workers say the FLSA provision is a 
relic of an earlier time and Congress should change the law to require 
that all workers, including the disabled, are subject to the minimum wage.

Goodwill is not alone in paying its disabled workers well below the 
minimum wage, according to an online NBC News report 
which explains that nonprofits that get special permission from the 
Labor Department to pay disabled people below the minimum wage are 
allowed to find below-minimum-wage jobs for those workers with other 
employers. Example: the Helen Keller National Center has placed blind 
and deaf workers at a Westbury, N.Y., Applebee’s franchise where they 
made between $3.97 and $5.96 an hour in 2010. The Center also got jobs 
for workers at a Barnes & Noble in Manhasset, N.Y., where they made 
between $3.80 and $4.85 an hour.

In a statement to NBC News, the Labor Department said that the FLSA 
provision “provides workers with disabilities the opportunity to be 
given meaningful work and receive an income.”

That may be true and Goodwill’s practices may be entirely legal, but I 
can only imagine how demeaning it would feel to earn $3.99 an hour. 
Especially an organization like Goodwill, where the mission, as one of 
its statement says, is “to eliminate barriers to opportunity and help 
people in need reach their full potential through learning and the power 
of work,” should take a hard look at its budget and come up with the 
funds to pay all of its 117,000 workers at least the minimum wage. 
That’s part of helping people live up to their potential.

On Wed, Aug 7, 2013 at 11:13 AM, Sheila Leigland <sleigland at bresnan.net 
<mailto:sleigland at bresnan.net>> wrote:

    hi john I'm trying to find the forbes article can you give me mor
    instructions for where on the link to look for it? thanks in advance.

    On 8/7/2013 10:53 AM, Jon Perri wrote:
>     Hi Sheila,
>     Thank you for this information! For some reason this went into my
>     spam folder so I'm just seeing it now.
>     The Forbes piece was great. Did you read it yet? Here is the link
>     if you haven't:
>     http://www.forbes.com/sites/susanadams/2013/07/30/does-goodwill-industries-exploit-disabled-workers/
>     I want to send an update to a bunch of the petition signers from
>     you, that asks them to go to Goodwill's facebook page to post on
>     it. I drafted something up that I hope you can read over and
>     approve for us to send out. I've pasted it below. Can you read it
>     and let me know if you're okay with us sending it?
>     Name --
>     After I told you about how Goodwill doesn't give disabled
>     employees -- like me and my husband -- equal pay, you and more
>     than 162,000 Change.org users signed my petition to Goodwill.
>     They're under more pressure than ever to change this unfair
>     policy, and they have been getting a lot of bad public attention.
>     But Goodwill still hasn't changed their position on equal pay for
>     all employees. That's why I'm asking you to join thousands of
>     other signers to leave a message on Goodwill's Facebook wall to
>     really keep up the pressure.
>     Can you help me by copying and pasting one of the messages below
>     on Goodwill's Facebook wall? Make sure to mention if you're a
>     shopper or have a disability. Click here to post.
>     <https://www.facebook.com/GoodwillIntl?utm_source=social_media&utm_medium=facebook_main&utm_content=post&utm_campaign=en_usa_ej&utm_term=goodwill_goodwill-fb-page>
>     "I've learned that some Goodwill stores pay disabled employees
>     below minimum wage. Just because this is legal doesn't mean it's
>     right. All Goodwill employees, regardless of disability, should be
>     paid at least minimum wage. Until Goodwill changes this policy, I
>     will not support you."
>     "I'm one of more than 162,000 people calling on Goodwill stores to
>     pay all of their disabled employees a fair wage. While it may be
>     legal for Goodwill to pay disabled people below minimum wage, it
>     doesn't mean it's right. Goodwill has an opportunity to stop this
>     practice and until they do, I will no longer support you."
>     Goodwill relies on its Facebook page to communicate directly with
>     customers, and I'm confident that seeing a lot of posts from
>     people like you will get the message across that paying disabled
>     workers drastically lower wages is not only shameful but
>     discriminatory.
>     Thank you for your support. Together, I believe we can help
>     Goodwill do the right thing.
>     Sheila Leigland
>     Great Falls, Montana
>     On Fri, Aug 2, 2013 at 8:43 AM, Sheila Leigland
>     <sleigland at bresnan.net <mailto:sleigland at bresnan.net>> wrote:
>         hi I believe that goodwill is very concerned about the
>         patition. I did quit instead of accepting two dollars and
>         seventy five cents. The actual wage was three dollars and
>         ninety nine cents per hour. I don't know where the three fifty
>         came from.I was offered a job working as a greeter at the
>         store which would have paid minimum wage but was told later
>         that the job was never on the table. My vr conselor was
>         shocked because he as his supervisor were lwed to believe that
>         the job was a sure thing.in <http://thing.in> fact Harold knew
>         about the offer before I did because the call to me from the
>         job coach was made from the work site.Everyone there sent
>         congratulations. Interesting isn't it.
>     -- 
>     Jonathan Perri
>     Deputy Director, change.org <http://change.org>
>     401.265.9445 <tel:401.265.9445>
>     @changejustice


Jonathan Perri
Deputy Director, change.org <http://change.org>

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