[nfb-talk] [BANA-Announce] New Sample Documents in UEB Now Available

Mary Nelle McLennan mary.nelle at earthlink.net
Tue Nov 19 14:53:47 UTC 2013

November offers a lot to celebrate and to commemorate. The Braille 
Authority of North American (BANA) is pleased to share several timely 
items that we have transcribed in Unified English Braille (UEB).

Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address
Transcribed in Unified English Braille and Available on the BANA Website
In commemoration of the 150th anniversary of Abraham Lincoln's 
Gettysburg Address, BANA provides the transcription of those historic 
remarks in UEB. The text of Lincoln's speech is available as a 
braille-ready file and a PDF of simulated braille. You can find these 
files on the BANA website home page at 

Dallas, November 22, 1963
Transcribed in Unified English Braille and Available on BARD
To remember the 50th anniversary of the assassination of President 
John F. Kennedy, a short ebook, Dallas, November 22, 1963, by Robert 
A. Caro, was published in early October. Taken from Caro's larger 
biography of Lyndon B. Johnson, this riveting excerpt describes the 
events of the day.
The eBook has been transcribed in Unified English Braille and is now 
available in braille-ready format (BRF) from the National Library 
Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped (NLS) through its 
BARD service. Eligible patrons can find and download the book by 
entering the title in the search field at 

Pumpkin Pie Recipe
Transcribed in Unified English Braille and Available on the BANA Website
'Tis the season so we have added a pumpkin pie recipe in UEB!  It is 
available as a BRF braille-ready file and as a PDF of simulated 
braille. You can find these files on the BANA website home page at 
<http://www.brailleauthority.org>www.brailleauthority.org. Enjoy!

For other samples in UEB and for additional resource information, 
visit <http://www.brailleauthority.org>www.brailleauthority.org.
The Board of BANA consists of appointed representatives from 
seventeen member organizations of braille producers, transcribers, 
teachers, and consumers.
The mission of the Braille Authority of North America is to assure 
literacy for tactile readers through the standardization of braille 
and/or tactile graphics.
The purpose of BANA is to promote and to facilitate the uses, 
teaching, and production of braille. Pursuant to this purpose, BANA 
will promulgate rules, make interpretations, and render opinions 
pertaining to braille codes and guidelines for the provisions of 
literary and technical materials and related forms and formats of 
embossed materials now in existence or to be developed in the future 
for the use of blind persons in North America. When appropriate, BANA 
shall accomplish these activities in international collaboration with 
countries using English braille. In exercising its function and 
authority, BANA shall consider the effects of its decisions on other 
existing braille codes and guidelines, forms and formats; ease of 
production by various methods; and acceptability to readers.

Questions and comments can be addressed to Frances Mary D'Andrea, 
BANA Chair, at <mailto:literacy2 at mindspring.com>literacy2 at mindspring.com.

BANA-Announce mailing list
BANA-Announce at brailleauthority.org

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