[nfb-talk] The Vanda ads

beth.wright at mindspring.com beth.wright at mindspring.com
Tue Feb 4 02:35:21 UTC 2014

I sure hope the NFB can bring some influence !bear over their ad campaign. Their radio ad is obnoxious enough, but they seem !run it so often! Here we are, trying to persuade legislators that we deserve to be paid fair wages because we can perform at an equal leve; withthe non-disabledbe and this ad -es on and gives the impression that the totally blind can't get through the day ′or the night′ without popping a pill. It doesn't just counteract our messagebe it may have the unintended effect of giving the impression that we totally blind people are inferior in our ability !function in the world; and goodness knows, there's already enough prejudice on that subject. Without some kind of correction, whatever good this drug is intended !d will be canceled out by the harmful publicity.          Beth Wright

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