[nfb-talk] Vanda, what is all the fuss about?

Dick and Donna Walker walkercutoff at att.net
Tue Feb 4 20:17:19 UTC 2014

Amen to that!

-----Original Message-----
From: nfb-talk [mailto:nfb-talk-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Michael
Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 11:42 AM
To: 'NFB Talk Mailing List'
Subject: Re: [nfb-talk] Vanda, what is all the fuss about?

Both of you please.  We have killed this subject.  Just go to sleep. 


Michael Hingson

-----Original Message-----
From: nfb-talk [mailto:nfb-talk-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Todor Fassl
Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2014 09:10 AM
To: NFB Talk Mailing List
Subject: Re: [nfb-talk] Vanda, what is all the fuss about?

You first.

On 02/04/14 10:28, Nimer Jaber wrote:
> Oh good God shut up already.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: nfb-talk [mailto:nfb-talk-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Todor 
> Fassl
> Sent: Tuesday, February 4, 2014 10:24 AM
> To: NFB Talk Mailing List
> Subject: Re: [nfb-talk] Vanda, what is all the fuss about?
> Look, there is nothing to keep a doctor from prescribing Viagra to 
> every guy who comes in saying he has a runny nose.  That's an issue 
> between a doctor and his patient. In fact, the problem is more likely 
> the
other way around.
> Patients  hear about a drug in a commercial and go into their doctors 
> who then have to explain why the drug isn't for them.
> That's a very common problem these days. This thing by Vanda is no 
> different than the thousands of other drugs at a doctor's disposal.
> Can it be misprescribed? Of course. But so can the thousands of other 
> drugs in the PDR.
> You people are jumping to the conclusion that doctors will be 
> prescribing this drug when it's not needed based  on absolutely no 
> factual evidence. In fact, even if you are right about the commercial 
> being misleading, (which I don't grant, btw) the most likely effect is 
> that blind people will be annoying their doctors by coming in and 
> asking for the drug when it doesn't apply to their problem. The good 
> news is that probably a lot of those people will get other treatments 
> they
wouldn't normally have gotten.
> Instead of trying to blame Vanda for injuries and deaths, imagine a 
> conversation between a doctor and a patient that goes like this:
> Patient" I heard about this drug on the radio that helps blind people
> Can I get some of that?
> Doctor: You have trouble sleeping? You hadn't mentioned that before.
> Patient: Well, I didn't consider it a huge problem.
> Doctor: That drug is only for people who are totally blind or nearly so.
> It's not likely that  that drug will help you. Lets do a sleep study 
> to find out why you're having trouble sleeping.
> Bingo, Vanda *saves* somebody's life.
> On 02/03/14 16:39, Mary Donahue wrote:
>> Good afternoon Ray and everyone,
>> 	Suppose it may not be non-24? These last couple of Sundays, I have 
>> had trouble sleeping mainly because there has been quite a bit on my 
>> mind regarding personal matters. Last Sunday it was indigestion on 
>> account of something I ate that evening. These two Sundays of 
>> insomnia had nothing to do with me being totally blind and having 
>> non-24. I strongly recommend people receive sleep studies before 
>> receiving this
> Vanda drug treatment.
>> Just my two cents' worth.
>> Mary Donahue
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: nfb-talk [mailto:nfb-talk-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Ray 
>> Foret Jr
>> Sent: Monday, February 03, 2014 3:10 PM
>> To: NFB Talk Mailing List
>> Subject: Re: [nfb-talk] Vanda, what is all the fuss about?
>> Well, Chris, speaking for myself, I do happen to think I suffer 
>> somewhat from this non 24 thingy.  However, I do have a sharp word of 
>> critisism for the radio adds.  They make it sound as if all blind 
>> people suffer from it just by virtue of being blind.  In other words, 
>> if a person is blind, they will automatically have this.  Now, while 
>> I believe I do sufffer somewhat from this, and I believe others do 
>> too, I do not believe that all blind people, just because they're 
>> blind, suffer from it.  I know you feel the same way.  It's this tone 
>> of the radio spots that I have such a major issue with.
>> Sent from my Mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the 
>> blind built-in!
>> Sincerely,
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray, still a very happy Mac and Iphone 5 user!
>> On Feb 3, 2014, at 2:35 PM, Chris Nusbaum <dotkid.nusbaum at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>>> Karen,
>>> It's understandable that you feel the ad is making the listener 
>>> believe
>> that all blind people suffer from Non-24. However, this does not 
>> detract from its being a real problem faced by *some* blind people, 
>> particularly those who are totally blind with no light perception. I 
>> myself experienced the symptoms of Non-24 for a long time, though 
>> I've somehow outgrown them now. Note that this was before Vanda began 
>> its research on Non-24 and nobody had a name for it--at least so far 
>> as I was
> aware.
>>> There are some blind people who continue to suffer from this 
>>> disorder
>> today. I know two of them very closely. Indeed, there are some who 
>> have difficulty staying awake at work or falling asleep at night. If 
>> this is true, then, what's the harm in the development of a drug 
>> which would cure this? Perhaps the implied message of the commercials 
>> was a little skewed, but I don't think we should discourage this 
>> research
> because of it.
>>> Chris
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: nfb-talk [mailto:nfb-talk-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of 
>>> Karen Rose
>>> Sent: Sunday, February 02, 2014 11:00 PM
>>> To: NFB Talk Mailing List
>>> Cc: NFB Talk Mailing List; <mike at michaelhingson.com>
>>> Subject: Re: [nfb-talk] Vanda, what is all the fuss about?
>>> Chris - they are portraying blind people as unable to stay awake and 
>>> concentrate at work throughout the day. I am a psychotherapist 
>>> private practice. The last thing I need my list is to help people 
>>> believe that I cannot stay away and thinking of them. But Karen
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>> On Feb 2, 2014, at 6:34 PM, "Chris Nusbaum"
>>>> <dotkid.nusbaum at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>>> Mike and Others,
>>>> I must say that I am confused as to the apparent problem in the 
>>>> Vanda ads. I have only heard the radio ads, which began in a way 
>>>> which concerned me slightly. The supposedly blind man who did the 
>>>> voiceover
>>>> said: "You can't see me because of radio, and I can't see you 
>>>> because I'm
>> totally blind."
>>>> However, he added immediately after this statement: "I don't let my 
>>>> blindness stop me." I believe in a positive portrayal of blindness 
>>>> in the media as much as the next Federationist, but I am puzzled as 
>>>> to what the problem was in the commercials. Clarification, please?
>>>> Chris
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: nfb-talk [mailto:nfb-talk-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of 
>>>> Michael Hingson
>>>> Sent: Sunday, February 02, 2014 6:57 PM
>>>> To: 'NFB Talk Mailing List'
>>>> Subject: Re: [nfb-talk] Vanda, what is all the fuss about?
>>>> Understandable.
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: nfb-talk [mailto:nfb-talk-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of 
>>>> Karen Rose
>>>> Sent: Sunday, February 02, 2014 03:05 PM
>>>> To: mike at michaelhingson.com; NFB Talk Mailing List
>>>> Cc: NFB Talk Mailing List
>>>> Subject: Re: [nfb-talk] Vanda, what is all the fuss about?
>>>> Although I do not have this disorder I see no problem with their drug.
>>>> My beef is with their advertising agency
>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>>> On Feb 2, 2014, at 11:41 AM, "Michael Hingson"
>>>>> <Mike at michaelhingson.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> I am coming into this discussion a bit late and I have tried to 
>>>>> read many of the back posts before responding.
>>>>> I agree it is unfortunate that the adds aren't as positive and 
>>>>> strong concerning blindness as we would like.  I must puzzle over 
>>>>> this since the NFB has been closely interacting with Vanda for 
>>>>> more than
>> three years.
>>>>> As for the testing and studies Vanda asked for volunteers for 
>>>>> nearly two years.  They wanted volunteers to test the drug in a 
>>>>> double blind
>>>> study.
>>>>> They got many volunteers and over a year ago Vanda announced that 
>>>>> they had found a good positive effect introduced by their product.
>>>>> Now Vanda is moving forward and has FDA approval under the 
>>>>> prescribed process for that to occur.  Where has everyone been?
>>>>> The information for all this has been on these lists as well as 
>>>>> many other
>> list serves.
>>>>> Vanda could do more to help show a positive image about blindness 
>>>>> as they create their adds.  So nicely contact them and make 
>>>>> positive
>>>> suggestions.
>>>>> Also, contact our National office and suggest improvements, but 
>>>>> please recognize that Vanda has indeed proven a hypothesis it 
>>>>> formulated and as a result it created a product which can help 
>>>>> blind people who have sleep issues.  Keep in mind that this 
>>>>> product, as with most blindness related things, will have a 
>>>>> limited market, but Vanda certainly determined that its product 
>>>>> was worth creating or it wouldn't have done
>>>> so.
>>>>> Best,
>>>>> Michael Hingson
>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>> From: nfb-talk [mailto:nfb-talk-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of 
>>>>> David Andrews
>>>>> Sent: Sunday, February 02, 2014 11:00 AM
>>>>> To: NFB Talk Mailing List
>>>>> Subject: Re: [nfb-talk] A little concerned about this new drug 
>>>>> aimed at totally blind population
>>>>> You may consider the ads to be trivial -- but many here will not.
>>>>> They reflect how society feels about us, and they perpetuate 
>>>>> antequated notions of blindness and blind people.
>>>>> Dave
>>>>> At 12:36 PM 2/2/2014, you wrote:
>>>>>> You'll have to forgive me for thinking you might not be looking 
>>>>>> at this issue with complete objectivity .  I can't imagine how I 
>>>>>> got the idea that you held antipathy for  Vanda. I guess maybe I 
>>>>>> took
>>>>>> wrong when    you called them snake oil salesmen.
>>>>>> And, no, I do not have to admit  their ads take us for fools.
>>>>>> That's a subjective issue that I want no part of. If you want to 
>>>>>> gripe about their ads, go ahead.  It wouldn't occur to me to care 
>>>>>> about something so trivial.
>>>>>>> On 02/02/2014 09:59 AM, Mike Freeman wrote:
>>>>>>> Hey, man! Tone down the rhetoric.
>>>>>>> If you read carefully one of my last messages, I admitted to you 
>>>>>>> that I stood corrected and that one of the articles did say they 
>>>>>>> did a double-blind study.
>>>>>>> Please do not confuse skepticism with antipathy. I don't think 
>>>>>>> any of us begrudge  Vanda Pharmaceuticals the right to develop a
>>>>>>> non-24
>>>> drug.
>>>>>>> But their advertising hype tends to prejudice some of us against 
>>>>>>> their research in that some of us think that a truly scientific 
>>>>>>> study wouldn't appeal as much to problems of the blind in terms 
>>>>>>> that are all-too-familiar to many of us.
>>>>>>> Those of us with diabetes are unfortunately very familiar with 
>>>>>>> research hype
>>>>>>> -- "they" have been going to have a cure for Type 1 diabetes 
>>>>>>> "just around the corner" for the past half-century, for example.
>>>>>>> And there has been research here in the Pacific Northwest on the
>>>>>>> non-24 problem since something like 1985. I remember a doctor 
>>>>>>> from Oregon State or the University of Oregon writing to Dr.
>>>>>>> Jernigan asking what we thought of such research about that time 
>>>>>>> and he replied, in effect, that if the research was carefully 
>>>>>>> done, NFB would have no problem with
>>>>> it. IMO this is still what many of us think.
>>>>>>> But you'll have to admit that their advertisements seem to take 
>>>>>>> us for fools
>>>>>>> -- not an auspicious way to win friends and influence people.
>>>>>>> Mike
>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>> From: nfb-talk [mailto:nfb-talk-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of 
>>>>>>> Todor Fassl
>>>>>>> Sent: Sunday, February 02, 2014 7:08 AM
>>>>>>> To: NFB Talk Mailing List
>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [nfb-talk] A little concerned about this new drug 
>>>>>>> aimed at totally blind population
>>>>>>> Mike,
>>>>>>> I asked you a question. How in the world did you come to the 
>>>>>>> conclusion that the FDA approved this drug without a double 
>>>>>>> blind study? That's an important question. You should try to 
>>>>>>> figure out what
>>>>> caused you to make
>>>>>>> such a ridiculous mistake.   Maybe you're not looking at this issue
>>>>>>> objectively. Maybe you should try to be more careful. That's 
>>>>>>> always important but even more so when dealing with medical issues.
>>>>>>> All this stuff below is nothing but a smoke screen you're 
>>>>>>> throwing up to avoid admitting you shot your mouth off on a 
>>>>>>> topic you know nothing
>>>>> about.
>>>>>>> Now, get out there, do some research about this drug, and then 
>>>>>>> get back to us if you still have something to say.
>>>>>>>> On 02/02/2014 12:31 AM, Mike Freeman wrote:
>>>>>>>> Sir:
>>>>>>>> I sit corrected about a double-blind study and am glad to be
>> informed.
>>>>>>>> However, I assure you that FDA isn't always as careful as you 
>>>>>>>> might
>>>>>>> believe.
>>>>>>>> The announcement itself gives some indication of this in that 
>>>>>>>> FDA fast-tracked experimental use of this drug, presumably 
>>>>>>>> because of the blindness angle. And be assured that until 
>>>>>>>> various specialists in statistical medicine and epidemiology 
>>>>>>>> insisted otherwise, the original trial of the Salk poleo 
>>>>>>>> vaccine was going to be a single-blind, not a double-blind 
>>>>>>>> study. But wiser heads prevailed so it was a full 
>>>>>>>> pluscebo-controlled, double-blind study with something like 
>>>>>>>> fifty thousand participants -- enough to give truly valid
>>>>> statistical results.
>>>>>>>> And way back in 1936,Dilantin was fast-tracked for epilepsy 
>>>>>>>> control because at that time, it was about the only drug other 
>>>>>>>> than phenobarbital that was effective.
>>>>>>>> And can you say viox or celibrex? Or Avandia, which was 
>>>>>>>> originally approved, then got a strong warning label and now 
>>>>>>>> has been shown largely not to merit that label?
>>>>>>>> We're all (including scientists and medical personnel) human.
>>>>>>>> Cheers!
>>>>>>>> Mike
>>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>>> From: nfb-talk [mailto:nfb-talk-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf 
>>>>>>>> Of Todor Fassl
>>>>>>>> Sent: Saturday, February 01, 2014 4:50 PM
>>>>>>>> To: NFB Talk Mailing List
>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [nfb-talk] A little concerned about this new drug 
>>>>>>>> aimed at totally blind population
>>>>>>>> Mike,
>>>>>>>> How in the world did you come to the conclusion that no 
>>>>>>>> double-blind studies have been done? That's *crazy*. The FDA 
>>>>>>>> doesn't approve drugs w/o double blind studies. No wonder 
>>>>>>>> people accuse you of not knowing what you are talking about.
>>>>>>>> This is so
>>>> typical of your behaviour.
>>>>>>>> You never seem to care whether you know  the first thing about 
>>>>>>>> a subject before shooting your mouth off. Do you realize how 
>>>>>>>> irresponsible you are being? This is a medical issue, What the 
>>>>>>>> f**k do you know about
>>>>>>> medicine?
>>>>>>>> Here's a link to an article that specifically mentions a double 
>>>>>>>> blind study that was done:
>>>>>>>> http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2013/06/130617142045.htm
>>>>>>>>> On 02/01/2014 05:37 PM, Mike Freeman wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Steve:
>>>>>>>>> Obviously, I agree with you on all counts.
>>>>>>>>> In addition, while at the national Center, I heard a number of 
>>>>>>>>> ads pushing hetlioz and I found it amusing that they start out 
>>>>>>>>> with a supposedly blind person saying: "You can't see me 
>>>>>>>>> because this is radio. I can't see you because I'm totally 
>>>>>>>>> blind." AS if he wasn't also
>>>>>>> on the radio!
>>>>>>>>> While not denying that some may find the drug helpful, I must 
>>>>>>>>> say that,
>>>>>>>> like
>>>>>>>>> you, I do not think nearly enough work has been done using 
>>>>>>>>> controls and
>>>>>>>> I'd
>>>>>>>>> bet good money that no pluscebo-controlled, double-blind 
>>>>>>>>> studies have been done.
>>>>>>>>> Mike Freeman
>>>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>>>> From: nfb-talk [mailto:nfb-talk-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf 
>>>>>>>>> Of Steve Jacobson
>>>>>>>>> Sent: Saturday, February 01, 2014 2:24 PM
>>>>>>>>> To: NFB Talk Mailing List
>>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [nfb-talk] A little concerned about this new drug 
>>>>>>>>> aimed at totally blind population
>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>> I have also been uneasy about all of this, but I recognize I 
>>>>>>>>> don't know
>>>>>>>> all
>>>>>>>>> there is to know about all this.  Because One is blind and 
>>>>>>>>> doesn't seem to have a sleep problem like this doesn't mean 
>>>>>>>>> nobody
>> does.
>>>>>>>>> Because ablind person has a sleep disorder doesn't mean it is 
>>>>>>>>> related to blindness, either.  I have seen firsthand where 
>>>>>>>>> sleep clinics dealing with
>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>> blind person assume the problems are related to blindness 
>>>>>>>>> without running normal tests.  I've seen doctors actually get 
>>>>>>>>> excited like little kids when they think they have a blind 
>>>>>>>>> person with a sleep
>>>>>>> problem.
>>>>>>>>> It also appears that the drug Vanda has has now been approved 
>>>>>>>>> and was put on a sort of fast track because it deals with a 
>>>>>>>>> rare and severe condition.  Blind people will have a 
>>>>>>>>> disservice done if this
>>>>>>>> drug
>>>>>>>>> is prescribed before a thorough evaluation is performed to 
>>>>>>>>> analyze serious sleep disorders.  I also think that painting 
>>>>>>>>> blind people
>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>> their mass-marketing efforts as struggling to stay awake all 
>>>>>>>>> day is not helpful in our efforts to get jobs.  There have 
>>>>>>>>> been other marketing efforts, though, where people have not 
>>>>>>>>> been paid, so I don't know if that
>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>> Vanda or not.
>>>>>>>>> I will forward the note I received regarding the approval of 
>>>>>>>>> this
>>>> drug.
>>>>>>>> I'm
>>>>>>>>> afraid I had to laugh a little when I saw that one side-effect 
>>>>>>>>> is drousiness.  I want to be clear, though, that I do not 
>>>>>>>>> claim that there
>>>>>>>> are
>>>>>>>>> not people with serious disorders who may be helped.  I also 
>>>>>>>>> can't say
>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>> I know for certain that this particular disorder doesn't exist.
>>>>>>>>> I just think we need to be sure that we are not stereotyped 
>>>>>>>>> into this disorder in a way that leaves other disorders
> undiagnosed.
>>>>>>>>> We also need
>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>> recognize that for such research to be real accurate, a 
>>>>>>>>> control group who
>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>> not blind but shares other similarities, such as the same 
>>>>>>>>> unemployment rate, would need to have been used, and I have 
>>>>>>>>> not been convinced that was done in the reading I've done, but 
>>>>>>>>> I don't claim I've read every word of every study.
>>>>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>>>>> Steve Jacobson
>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, 1 Feb 2014 13:48:39 -0800, Mike Freeman wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Beth:
>>>>>>>>>> I absolutely agree with you! Although a few blind folks may 
>>>>>>>>>> have a sleep disorder (I know of one such person), so do many 
>>>>>>>>>> sighted people and it is
>>>>>>>>> my
>>>>>>>>>> experience that when most blind persons with sleeping 
>>>>>>>>>> problems are put on
>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>>> regular schedule (i.e., no odd hours, working a nine-to-five 
>>>>>>>>>> day,
>>>>>>>>>> etc.)
>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>> get enough vigorous exercise, either on the job or as a 
>>>>>>>>>> program, their
>>>>>>>>> sleep
>>>>>>>>>> problems disappear. For example, I know a lady who used to 
>>>>>>>>>> have sleep problems when she wasn't working. But when she 
>>>>>>>>>> started working a regular
>>>>>>>>> day
>>>>>>>>>> at a Head Start program, up and down all day with the kids, 
>>>>>>>>>> miracle of miracles, her sleep problem disappeared!
>>>>>>>>>> So I'm very much a doubter. Trouble is that when I voice such 
>>>>>>>>>> skepticism with much vigor, I get a lot of push-back from 
>>>>>>>>>> other blind people (both
>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>> ACB and NFB),maintaining I don't know what I'm talking about.
>>>>>>>>>> Also, I know a couple of people who are participating in 
>>>>>>>>>> their so-called studies and haven't received payment yet.
>>>>>>>>>> Can you say "snake-oil"?
>>>>>>>>>> Mike Freeman
>>>>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>>>>> From: nfb-talk [mailto:nfb-talk-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf 
>>>>>>>>>> Of beth.wright at mindspring.com
>>>>>>>>>> Sent: Saturday, February 01, 2014 1:33 PM
>>>>>>>>>> To: nfb-talk at nfbnet.org
>>>>>>>>>> Subject: [nfb-talk] A little concerned about this new drug 
>>>>>>>>>> aimed at
>>>>>>>> totally
>>>>>>>>>> blind population
>>>>>>>>>> Hi, folks. Just wanted to see if I could get the scoop on 
>>>>>>>>>> this new drug that's supposed to correct the sleep/wake 
>>>>>>>>>> cycles in people who are
>>>>>>>> totally
>>>>>>>>>> blind. I'm totally blind myself, but haven't had any problems 
>>>>>>>>>> with my
>>>>>>>> sleep
>>>>>>>>>> patterns, so, even though I've seen lots of ads for it on
>>>>>>>> blindness-related
>>>>>>>>>> web sites and know that they've been a major sponsor at our 
>>>>>>>>>> conventions,
>>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>>>> wasn't all that concerned about it one way or the other. As 
>>>>>>>>>> far as I can tell, their ads have been pretty tastelike and 
>>>>>>>>>> their recruitment
>>>>>>>>> techniques,
>>>>>>>>>> fairly low key. Lately, though, they seem to be ramping up 
>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>> message.
>>>>>>>>> From
>>>>>>>>>> what I can tell, they now seem to be claiming that this 
>>>>>>>>>> sleep/wake thing
>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>>> a serious problem, affcting around eighty thousand people in 
>>>>>>>>>> the US, the majority ofthe totally-blind population. I think 
>>>>>>>>>> that's deceptive. I know that they need to reach the largest 
>>>>>>>>>> number of people possible in order to make a sufficient 
>>>>>>>>>> profit, but I don't think they should exaggerate the 
>>>>>>>>>> seriousness of this s o-called disorder.
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