[nfb-talk] eBrailler Sale

david at ebrailler.com david at ebrailler.com
Fri Nov 24 00:58:09 UTC 2017

Electronic Brailler manufacturers of the multifunction Cosmo Braille 
embosser and BERT Braille remote education tool is offering our 
"eBrailler Cosmo" on  sale for the holidays during the  months of 
December and January for $1850.00 plus shipping. We also offer the 
Cosmo and Duxbury package for $2450.00 for our holiday promotion
Cosmo is a quiet Braille Writing/embossing system which can be used 
in a classroom without distracting the other students. The Cosmo 
multi-function Braille system is easy for children and adults to use, 
quiet, economical, easily maintained, and portable. It can be used as 
a quiet Braille Embosser or a Braille input device for a computer 
when using the Duxbury Braille Translator application. Or just use it 
as a stand-alone Braille typewriter if you prefer.
<mailto:info at ebrailler.com>info at ebrailler.com

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