[nfb-talk] My article
adrijana prokopenko
adrijana.prokopenko at gmail.com
Mon Sep 4 11:45:59 UTC 2017
Some people stated that they had difficulties finding my articlee
that appeared in "The Kentucky cardinal", so feel free to read it
2017 NFB National Convention Perspective
The excitement of a National Federation of the Blind annual convention
is something that can hardly be described unless you have had the
opportunity to experience it for yourself in person. Although many
individuals from around the world may never be able to experience this
event in person, the advent of technology allows people from all over
the world to participate in the NFB national convention through live
streaming. One individual shares her diary of thoughts as she
experienced her first national convention held in Orlando, Florida
this summer through the miracle of technology.
A Unique Perspective
by Adrijana Prokopenko
NFB diary
July 10
Excitement is in the air for many people going to convention and lots
more that can't go including me. Looking forward to finding out what
is in store. Making a list to make sure I have everything at hand
while convention is streaming, so I don't have to get out of the room
- looking for things. Water, ice coffee, snacks, mouthwash, cups,
spoon, tissues and wet wipes on the shelf, brailler and braille
paper for taking notes next to me, the phone near the computer on
silent mode, doors closed to prevent outside noise, Skype and Facebook
opened for immediate communication with members that are there at the
July 11
Some great presentations regarding technology equipment like orCam and
braille devices that have been improved over the years. The thought of
being able to access information as the sighted with not much hustle
is great enough, just hope the price is right for everyone; otherwise,
some people may miss out on it again.
July 12
The Job fair seems to have brought some cool things, as someone
recommended my Facebook group to people from employment divisions,
like lighthouse and different companies. I was even chatting live with
someone like that getting contact info of one of them to be able to
email her with more!
July 13
Lots of work today, trying to hunt down exactly the names of companies
that are out there so people can meet them live and get their job ads
and include them into my job group. Also following the progress of
convention from the stream and members that are already there posting
on the groups and to me privately. Everyone seems to be enjoying
convention, including Ciera, the fearful high school girl who thought
that the NFB wasn't for her. NFB related messages spread on the
groups' big time! It is great they are opening the stream 30 minutes
early, so we could feel the atmosphere and hear some informal chat
there! As Arianna enjoyed exploring her dad's watch and feeling
overjoyed that she will have to announce the National Federation of
the Blind name to mark the start of the meeting, I could see how kids
could grow into the federation and have fond memories of it. Practice
from the performing arts division in front of the veterans and
more...recognition for their work from others and probably way more
that happened during other events that aren't streamed. Me being the
student that I am, I keep learning the NFB lessons as before, so
lesson number 3 goes, stick being a federations in the true sense of
the word, no matter how close or far you live. And lesson number 4
goes, the NFB site always has surprises, so keep checking and
scrolling to find them. Even though advertisements about the Nations
Blind Podcast didn't appear anywhere before, I could find it from the
audio link and start listening to it to keep up with what is going on!
Dick Davis had an interview on 1520wbzw, so had to spread the info
far and wide beforehand so people can listen in. Seems like the KNFB
Reader is also expanding its features to become even more accurate and
the brother of Victor Stream was just born to help those who want to
get it with mobility at the same time. Feels very rewarding to be able
to do all this work even from afar!
July 14
I'm already getting replies from companies that they are joining my
group and supporting the idea, praying this would bring some cool
things for many. Lots of money talk at convention today, which made
me feel inadequate for not being able to provide any, but promising I
will fix this next year. If nothing else, I can send a door prize and
surprise someone! As presidents got reelected and kept sharing their
enthusiasm, others shared experiences on growing up with blindness and
lack of opportunities and how they became the way they are to help
others, which shows if you really want to do something, you can
probably find a way to do it! Hopefully discrimination would be less
talked about when it comes to blind parents, students and jobseekers
rights, as many of us hope for by what was being said. So many Emails
given out at convention were inaccurate. I'm glad I wrote to them
first to test before I spread the info out about the NFB news...line
echo testing, radio station interview, job related emails, and address
information. So lesson number 5 may be, when people get excited, some
addresses can go wrong! Smile. Also glad that I subscribed to the
press release email list and presidential reports link. I wish someone
had told me about these things way back when I became a member! Don't
think any of this was mentioned in the new member pack and I think it
would be useful for any new member and anyone else who is truly
interested to help the NFB.
July 15
An exciting day today, don't want to miss the banquet or anything else
by falling asleep, so dividing my sleep hours so I can stay up and
listen. What a great thing to hear that companies and organizations
can work together to achieve things, even if change is slower and
things take time, no one said no at convention so far to the
president's words, which made me gain whole new respect for
conventions like this one because of this. If it was a roundtable in
Macedonia, the discussions would have probably gone nowhere and
everyone would have blamed the other for all our problems. Prizes
and awards going to deserving professionals once more, which may
probably bring many great things for them and the rest they are
connected to, to even keep achieving greater things together and stay
together in the fight! What can be better than that?
As the banquet gets going and prizes get drawn, it's exciting to hear
who gets recognized for drawing in the largest number of people and
raising the most money, people cheering for certain individuals and
their own state, loud enough to hear even with the sound trouble! As
Dr. Maurer gives little NFB facts and stories from the past and lets
people get ready for the main thing, excitement goes greater about
what is to follow. As singers start introducing each other and invite
everyone to join in, I can't help but get to sing with them and pull
the headset out of the computer for the whole house to hear, not
minding that it is one AM where I am! As songs go in a faster mood,
people get to clap and dance around in their limited space in the
crowd. As the video for the students' scholarship and sponsors starts,
we are having a chance to learn more about everyone that is involved
in the deal, hoping that they will continue to support the
organization as greatly in the future. As students recite their little
songs especially created for the occasion and prizes get drawn, I
can't help but want to suggest that it may serve a great purpose if
some are given in products and not money, because this would benefit
both the organization and the people that receive and purchase them
from. As amazon gives out a certain amount of money for every product
you buy from certain organizations, it may actually benefit the NFB to
get their own products from there and get back some of the money in
for the organization. As many people are also recognized and skilled
for doing different things, from music to crafts and other things, if
they have a way to show their products in front of such a large
audience, it may be a great pathway for them to be able to keep
promoting and getting their products to others that they don't even
know much about! That way everyone would feel equal and it wouldn't
give an impression that only sponsors and people that put in the big
money are greatly promoted at convention and since the organization
keeps tracks and cares for all its members, it would be a nice thing
to know that people are thought of at all times and their talents and
skills are always recognized and appreciated. With the banquet address
starting and the room getting quieter, the serious business starts
that will hopefully give us the great address for a greater tomorrow.
As science and technology advance and take a great part in blind
peoples' lives if they are able to afford it, our power to change
things for a better tomorrow for us and our children is even greater
than ever, if we possess all the skills and knowledge to be able to
do this nonvisual. As we stick together and share what we have and can
do, it is the only way that will bring us and many others forward. As
these years' scholarship students come to shake hands with former and
current presidents, Marc Maurer and Mark Riccobono, Kurzweil inventor,
Ray Kurzwiel and others, let's hope that they would be the ones that
would be the great movers and shakers of the organization in the best
way they know how!
About the author: I'm Adrijana Prokopenko and I was born on February
02 1979 in Skopje, Macedonia. I attended primary school at the state
school for blind children in my own city, then went to mainstream high
school and after that spent a year at the Overbrook school for the
blind in 1998and 1999 learning blindness skills.
After that, I did my English teaching degree at Eastern Mediterranean
University in North Cyprus from 1999 to 2003. After coming back to my
country, I have been doing volunteer work to help the blind and have
been the founding member of a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) that
helps disabled people with assistive technology. I have been working
as a teacher of English at the same school I studied since 2007.
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