[NFB-Talk] An idea to put blind people to work?

Judy Jones sonshines59 at gmail.com
Fri Apr 3 04:41:10 UTC 2020

Hi, All,


This idea came up in a leadership phone call we had the othernight with our
state affiliate.


The question is:  Are blind people in the various Lighthouse-type facilities
being put to work producing PPE?


To me, it seems there would never be a better time to shrink our
unemployment rate, especially with the National Defense Production Act
invoked across the country.  There is money to be had, and people needing
work.  Car companies are making ventilators.  Distileries are making hand
sanitizer.  Why can't we be put to work assembling various PPE items?


During our world wars, women, for the first time, left the home en masse to
man the factories, drive ambulances, and in World War II, fly transport, and
other jobs, thought to be only for men.  Women broke the mold of
misconception and stereotypes for all time.


There was a famous Rosie The Riveter song that made the hit parade early on,
and wouldn't it be great if we could have our own breaking out of society's
mold and going to work, because manpower is needed in this war with an
invisible enemy.  I know I would want to step up if at all possible.





I heard a talk given by National Trade Advisor, Peter Navarro, stating that
a commitment of expansion and repurposing is needed from companies now to
help fight Covid-19.  He is recommending company heads talk to their trade
associations, and get plugged into the National Council Of Textile


He also states that interested companies should contact his office at the
Whitehouse.  Switchboard is

(202) 456-1111.





"Embrace each day with His mercies and blessings."


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