[NFB-Talk] Canadian convention info

Lauren Merryfield lauren7877 at outlook.com
Fri Mar 12 16:49:33 UTC 2021

Canadian NFB convention info

Erik Burggraaf burggraaferik at gmail.com<mailto:burggraaferik at gmail.com> <mailto:burggraaferik at gmail.com>

March 5, 2021 12:30:40 PM

Registration is now open for our Canadian Federation of the Blind 2021annual convention

erik burggraaf burggraaferik at gmail.com<mailto:burggraaferik at gmail.com> <mailto:burggraaferik at gmail.com>

Hello,  I'm pleased to let you know that registration is now open for our annual convention taking place April 30th to may 2nd, 2021.  The convention is free to attend.  Registration is voluntary, but is an excellent value this year.

If you wish to request accommodations or join our mentoring program as a mentor or mentee, please register as soon as you possibly can.

For all the details and regular updates, please follow our convention information page at:


And to register directly or read about the registration package, please visit:


Updates to the information page will be coming fast and furious now.  So stay tuned as the excitement builds and new items get finalized.

Please share as widely as you can.  Thanks for your support.


Erik Burggraaf

CFB Webmaster

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"What a power is love! It is the most wonderful, the greatest of all living powers. Love gives life to the lifeless. Love lights a flame in the heart that is cold.Love brings hope to the hopeless and gladdens the hearts of the sorrowful. In the world of existence there is indeed no greater power than the power of love."

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