[NFB-Talk] Blind Makers Email List

John Heim sconnie.johnnie at gmail.com
Sat Dec 31 17:08:08 UTC 2022

I'd like to put in a plug for a list I am on for blind makers, 
blind-makers at groups.io. I didn't create the list nor do I have any 
control over it. I'd just like to see it get a little more traffic. To 
build a group to answer questions, you need the group. That's why I'm 
promoting blind-makers at groups.io.

The term "maker" is pretty much what we used to call a hobbyist. A maker 
would be anyone who makes stuff which would include sewing, wood 
working, 3D printing, etc.

To join the group, send a message to blind-makers+subscribe at groups.io

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