<blockquote type=cite class=cite cite=""><br>
In August 2020, Blind Pastor Cliff Alderson launched “The Rev it Up
Podcast.” One of the goals of the project is to share a blind nan’s
experience in an unlikely industry. Pastor Cliff has the distinction of
being the only degreed blind Auto mechanic in the United States.
The slogan for the show is "where the Love of God and the Love of
Cars Collide." In the show, he talks about God, cars, life, and
everything in-between. his goal is to encourage, inform, and
empower his audience. <br><br>
Listen to the podcast at
<a href="http://revitupodcast.com">http://revitupodcast.com</a>.
The show can be heard on Itunes, Stitcher, Spotify, and in many other
podcast directories. You can contact his producer Micahel Blaes at
<a href="mailto:michael@kadoshmedia.com">michael@kadoshmedia.com</a> or
call him directly at 575-652-9026<br><br>
Thank you for your attention,<br><br>
Michael Blaes<br>