[Nfb-utah] Thruoureyes with Joe Ruffalo Louis Braille Commemorative Coin

Quintina M. Singleton qmsingleton at comcast.net
Sat Aug 22 17:34:00 UTC 2009

The next Thruoureyes with Joe Ruffalo internet radio program 
scheduled for this coming

Wednesday August 26 at

8:00 PM EST is  dedicated to the 2009 Louis Braille Bicentennial 
Silver Dollar.   Mr. Ruffalo will be interviewing very special guests 
Dr. Fred Schroeder and Ryan Strunk.  In addition to learning more 
about what these beautiful coins represent, we will also be provided 
with more information regarding the various ways we can 
all  participate in the promotion  and support of the revolutionary 
Braille literacy campaign.

  To listen to the program via telephone, please 
call  1-605-475-6333, access code:

833520.  To access the show online visit www.thruoureyes.org/jaws.html

The call in number for anyone  interested in asking a question during 
the interview is 1-888-572-0141

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