[Nfb-utah] Urgent Legislative Alert on The Silent Car Legislation

Sachin Pavithran sachinslistserve at gmail.com
Mon Mar 16 15:39:24 UTC 2009


Hello all, we have an urgent action needed on this piece of legislation.  It
is called the Pedestrian Enhancement Act of 2009, and the bill number is HR
734.  I would urge all of you to call in the next couple of days to our
Congressmen's office to co-sponsor this piece of legislation.  Read the
attached document and following message by Jessie Hardle to get an idea on
what is happening with this bill.


Our Congressmen's office number and the contact person to speak to are as

Congressmen Jim Matheson's Office

Phone: 202.225.3011

Contact Person: Shana Bevin


Congressmen Rob Bishop's Office: 

Phone: 202.225.0453

Contact Person: Gordon Larsen


Congressmen Jason Chaffetz'z Office:

Phone: 202.225.7751

Contact Person: Mike Jerman


When you speak to Shana In Congressmen Matheson's office, you need to let
her know that  Congressmen Towns is the lead Democrat sponsor of this bill
and Emily Khoury is the one from Congressmen Town's office that is handling
this bill.  When you speak to Gordon from Congressmen Bishop's office, and
Mike from Congressmen Chaffetz office, you need to indicate that Congressmen
Stearns is the lead Republican sponsor for the bill and James Thomas is the
one who is handling this bill in Congressmen Stearns office.


If you have any questions please feel free to give me a call.


Once again folks, this is very urgent and action is needed ASAP.







     Sachin Dev Pavithran
     Legislative Coordinator
     National Federation of the Blind of Utah (NFBU)
     Work Phone : 1-435-797 6572
     Cell Phone : 1-435-512 6877
     Email : sachin.pavithran at usu.edu

"You must become the change you wish to see in the world." - Mahatma Gandhi



From: Hartle, Jesse [mailto:JHartle at nfb.org] 
Sent: Thursday, March 12, 2009 3:41 PM
Subject: Urgent Legislative Alert on The Silent Car Legislation


Fellow Federationists:


We continue to move forward in ensuring the success of the Pedestrian Safety
Enhancement Act, H.R. 734.  Currently 89 members of the House of
Representatives are listed as cosponsors of this legislation (please see
below for the current list of cosponsors).  Earlier this week Congress
passed the Omnibus Appropriations Act.  Included in that legislation was
funds for the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) to
study the problem addressed by H.R. 734 and report to Congress.  If Congress
feels it is important enough to appropriate funds for this study, Congress
should also direct NHTSA on how the study should be carried out.  I
encourage you all to call your member of the House of Representatives and
urge them to cosponsor H.R. 734 which would do just that.  Democrats will
want to contact Congressman Towns's office, while Republicans will want to
contact Congressman Stearns's office.  The contact in Congressman Towns's
office is Emily Khoury, and James Thomas is the contact for Congressman
Stearns's office.  The number to the Capitol switchboard is (202) 225-3121.
Please let me know if you have any questions, and I will do my best to
answer them.  I have listed my contact information below.  Thank you all for
your continued hard work on this important issue.   




Jesse M. Hartle

Government Programs Specialist


Phone:  (410) 659-9314, ext. 2233 

E-mail:   <mailto:jhartle at nfb.org> jhartle at nfb.org


Cosponsors of HR 734

Congressman Towns, Lead Sponsor



Congressman Young


Congressman Grijalva

Congressman Pastor


Congressman Boozman


Congressman Berman

Congressman Filner

Congresswoman Harman

Congresswoman Lee

Congresswoman Matsui

Congressman Rohrabacher

Congresswoman Linda Sanchez

Congressman Stark

Congresswoman Tauscher

District of Columbia

Congresswoman Norton


Congressman Bilirakis

Congresswoman Brown

Congresswoman Ros-Lehtinen

Congressman Stearns

Congresswoman Wasserman Schultz


Congressman Bishop

Congressman Lewis


Congresswoman Bordallo


Congressman Abercrombie

Congresswoman Hirono


Congressman Minnick


Congressman Davis

Congressman Gutierrez

Congressman Hare

Congressman Jackson

Congressman Roskam

Congresswoman Schakowsky


Congressman Carson


Congressman Boswell

Congressman Braley

Congressman King

Congressman Latham

Congressman Loebsack


Congressman Alexander

Congressman Melancon


Congressman Ruppersberger

Congressman Van Hollen


Congressman Capuano

Congressman McGovern

Congressman Neal

Congressman Tierney


Congressman Ellison

Congressman Oberstar

Congressman Peterson

Congressman Walz


Congressman Taylor


Congressman Carnahan

Congresswoman Emerson


Congressman Terry


Congresswoman Berkley

New Hampshire

Congresswoman Shea-Porter

New Jersey

Congressman Sires

Congressman Rothman

New York

Congressman Hinchey

Congresswoman Lowey

Congresswoman Maloney

Congressman Nadler

Congressman Rangel

Congressman Serrano

North Carolina

Congressman Jones

Congressman McIntyre

Congressman Price


Congressman Driehaus

Congressman LaTourette

Congressman Ryan


Congressman Blumenauer

Congressman DeFazio


Congressman Brady

Congressman Carney

Congressman Doyle

Congressman Fattah 

Congressman Holden

Congressman Kanjorski

Puerto Rico

Congressman Pierluisi


Congressman Cohen


Congressman Neugebauer

Congressman Sessions


Congressman Welch


Congressman Moran

Congressman Wittman


Congressman McDermott

West Virginia

Congressman Mollohan

Congressman Rahall


Congresswoman Moore

Congressman Petri 



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