[Nfb-utah] Congressman Bishop has agreed to cosponsor HR 164

Sachin Pavithran sachin.pavithran at usu.edu
Tue Feb 26 18:17:27 UTC 2013

Hello all,

I want to thank all of you have contacted Congressman Bishop's office.  I just got confirmation from his office that Congressman Bishop has agreed to cosponsor HR 164.  Stay tuned for the next Congressman we are going to target.



Hello Sachin-- I wanted to let you know that Congressman Bishop has decided to co-sponsor H.R. 164.  Thank you for the information and for bringing this matter to our attention.

Best regards,

Steve Petersen
From: NFB UTAH [mailto:nfbutah at gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, February 25, 2013 10:01 AM
Subject: Ask Congressman Bishop: Please cosponsor HR 164

Hell Federationists, Family and Friends,

It is time to have our members and all those who our members can think of such as family, friends and coworkers who lives in Congressman Bishop's district to call and email his office and keep doing it till we get Congressman Bishop to sign on to HR 164 which is the Equal Access to Air Travel for Service-Disabled Veterans .

The Space Available Program denies 100 percent of Service-Disabled Veterans the opportunity to participate.  Discharged service-disabled veterans are not entitled to air travel privileges to which other members of the military have access.  The Space Available Program allows members of the active military, some family members, Red Cross employees, and retired members of the armed services to travel on military aircraft if space is available.  However, members of the military who are 100 percent service disabled do not qualify for this program because they do not fall into one of those categories.  These men and women have earned the right to space-available travel just as others have because they have defended our country.

Equal Access to Air Travel for Service-Disabled Veterans would:

Provide travel privileges to totally disabled veterans.  This bill amends Title 10 of the U.S. Code, to permit veterans who have a service-connected, permanent disability rated as total to travel on military aircraft in the same manner and to the same extent as retired members of the Armed Forces entitled to such travel.

What to ask:

We want Congressman Bishop to cosponsor HR 164 which is: Equal Access to Air Travel for Service-Disabled Veterans .

How do you do it:
Call: 202.225.0453
Ask for John Newhall the first time and then ask for Steve Petersen.  You may not get to speak to these individuals  directly, but do leave a voicemail stating the following:

1)  Your name
2)  You are calling in be-half of the National federation of the blind of Utah.
3)  Your phone number
4)  What city you are calling from.
5)  You want Congressman Bishop to cosponsor HR 164 which is: Equal Access to Air Travel for Service-Disabled Veterans .

I also want all of you to email John Newhall at john.newhall at mail.house.gov<mailto:john.newhall at mail.house.gov> and Steve Petersen at Steve.petersen at mail.house.gov<mailto:Steve.petersen at mail.house.gov> with the same information mentioned above.  If they happen to talk to you or get back to you and have any question that you can't answer, have them contact me.  My contact information should follow this email.

I would like all of you to do this and ask your friends and family and coworkers to keep doing this till I ask you to stop.  If you have any questions and if you do make a contact with the above mentioned folks, drop me an email at sachin.pavithran at usu.edu<mailto:sachin.pavithran at usu.edu>

I appreciate your willingness to make these calls.


Sachin Dev Pavithran
Legislative Coordinator
National Federation of the Blind of Utah (NFBU)

Work Phone : 1-435-797 6572
Cell Phone : 1-435-512 6877
Email : sachin.pavithran at usu.edu<mailto:sachin.pavithran at usu.edu>

"You must become the change you wish to see in the world." - Mahatma Gandhi


If you would like to be removed from our email list and not receive future emails please reply and put "Remove" in the subject line.  Should you at some future date want to be added to our email list to receive emails of interest to blind persons and those interested in blind issues just email nfbutah at gmail.com<mailto:nfbutah at gmail.com> providing your contact information and the word "Add" in the subject line.

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