[NFB-Utah] 60th Annual Convention Final Thoughts

Nfb Utah nfbutah at gmail.com
Sat Apr 22 05:06:56 UTC 2017

Fellow Federationists and Friends of the NFB of Utah!

What an outstanding convention! I am very grateful to all who attended and
to the many members of the NFB of Utah who planned and performed so
admirably and professionally to make our event a huge success!

We are grateful to our National Representative, Dr. Fred Schroeder and our
many special guests. I appreciate the messages of love, hope, and
determination given in speeches by Ned Lindholm, Sachin Pavithran, Nathan
Ostergaard, Laura Rough, and even little Grant Christiansen. We raised over
$8000 from our auction and T-shirt sales. Our convention has established
that the NFB of Utah’s foundation is strong. We must continue to build high
expectations for blind people by continuing this momentum into our May
chapter meetings. Please stay informed by going to our website at
www.nfbutah.org or by dialing our hotline at 801-INFO-NFB. Please help
locate and invite other blind individuals in Utah to come and be a part of
the love, hope, and determination that makes the NFB of Utah so welcoming!

Yours in the movement,

Everette Bacon
President, NFB of Utah


The National Federation of the Blind knows that blindness is not the
characteristic that defines you or your future. Everyday we raise
expectations because we know that low expectations create barriers between
you and your dreams. You can live the life you want, blindness is not what
holds you back.

Jerry Nealey
Hotline 801-info-nfb (801-632-6632)
follow us on twitter @nfbutah
follow us on facebook nfbu


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