[NFB-Utah] Pot luck DSBVI July 15 cancelled

Nfb Utah nfbutah at gmail.com
Sat Jul 15 02:12:12 UTC 2017

Greetings Federationists

The pot luck banquet held at the DSBVI is cancelled for July 15 because
there is no connection that can be established. Please let others know who
may have been coming who may not see this thanks. and Let's continue to go
and build the federation
Jerry Nealey
Hotline 801-info-nfb (801-632-6632)
follow us on twitter @nfbutah
follow us on facebook nfbu


Jerry Nealey
Hotline 801-info-nfb (801-632-6632)
follow us on twitter @nfbutah
follow us on facebook nfbu


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