[NFB-Utah] Utah NFB Convention Updates

Nfb Utah nfbutah at gmail.com
Fri Mar 30 04:19:09 UTC 2018

Hello Fellow Federationists and Friends of the NFB of Utah!

The 2018 Annual Convention is now less then a month away and the agenda
will be posted on our website next week! Below are a couple of teasers that
I am hoping will excite you and give you another reason to head over to
www.nfbutah.org to get registered for the convention!
I hope you will find these announcements to be as exciting as I do!


Everette Bacon, President

Announcement 1: Aira is Free!
As a benefit of the continued partnership between Aira and The National
Federation of the Blind, Sheraton Salt Lake City Hotel will be part of the
Aira Site Access Network for the length of our 2018 convention.  Starting
on Thursday April 19th, thru Saturday April 21st, Site Access will be
enabled.  That means that any Aira Explorer using Aira anywhere on the
hotel property will not use any of their personal subscription minutes.

Announcement 2: Fashion Show Time!
7th Annual Descriptive Fashion Show
of the National Federation of the Blind of Utah

Icons of Fashion through history

Where:           NFB of Utah State Convention at the Sheraton Marriot Hotel
in Downtown SLC
Date:              Friday April 20, 2018 at 12:30 pm
We Need:       Blind and sighted models alike. All ages, all experience
levels welcome.
What:            Icons of Fashion through History.
You can wear an outfit from any era/decade of fashion, or reflecting any
fashion icon throughout time (Ideas: Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn,
Beyoncé, Lady Gaga, Chanel, Andy Warhol, Ginger Rogers, Fred Astaire,
Charlie Chaplin, Madonna, Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King Jr.,…).
Contact:         Deja Powell; deja.powell at gmail.com;

Let Deja know if you would like to participate this year by email or text!

National Federation of the Blind of Utah
Hotline 801-info-nfb (801-632-6632)
follow us on twitter @nfbutah
follow us on Facebook nfbu


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